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Peter, Greg and John Are Our Winners

“He Puapua; Blueprint for Breaking Up New Zealand”.by John Robinson. Photo credit The BFD.

Today is the conclusion of yet another fantastic giveaway for our subscribers.

The prizes are three copies of He Puapua; Blueprint for Breaking Up New Zealand by John Robinson

Three copies of “He Puapua; Blueprint for Breaking Up New Zealand”. by John Robinson will be given away to three lucky BFD subscribers.

Yesterday on the 3rd of September, we held the prize draw in order to give away three copies to three lucky BFD subscribers.

We used an online random number generator to select the winners from our membership base and after publishing this article we will contact each winner directly via e-mail.

There is one book for Basic and Bronze members, one for Silver members and one for Gold and Platinum members.

Our prize winners are:

1. Peter who has a Bronze Monthly membership

2. Greg who has a Gold Monthly Membership

3. John who has a Silver Monthly Membership


A series of reports, by United Nations and Government agencies, have set down a path to the division by race of New Zealand. The recent He Puapua report is a warning of a ‘breaking wave’ revolution, a complete transformation to a government divided between a tribal elite and a subservient majority.

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which gives superior rights to those of certain “races”, is a violation of the democratic principle of equality of citizenship. The Labour government of Helen Clark refused to sign New Zealand up to it on the grounds that it contradicted various New Zealand laws and principles of government.

As a result of the Key government signing the Declaration, the Cabinet asked Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Maori Development) to commission the He Puapua Report, which recommends the breaking up of the nation that we know and for which our servicemen have fought, and replacing it with a racially divided system where the already powerful tribal elite will have the whip hand over everyone else.

Instead of nipping this nation-destroying Report in the bud by rejecting it outright and withdrawing from the Declaration, the Labour government of Jacinda Ardern is proceeding, sometimes by diktat, sometimes with fake ‘consultations’, to implement it. This is a threat to the rights and liberties of all other New Zealanders who need to understand the full implications of the Report – something that this book helps to explain.

“He Puapua; Blueprint for Breaking Up New Zealand”.by John Robinson. Photo credit The BFD.

Price: NZD $35.00 (postage included)

Size: A5

Type: Paperback

Pages: 170 pages of text plus 8 pages of coloured photos

BUY NOW from

**Available in Paper Plus and independent book shops.
