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We Know They’re Lying, They Know We Know They’re Lying

Police have announced, well nothing. They can’t work out what sort of substance they say was thrown at Police on February 9 in Wellington. But we all know what that substance was, their own pepper spray, yet the Police double down on their lies by now blaming protestors for spraying pepper spray:

A liquid thrown at police during the protest at Parliament has now been tested, but the results are inconclusive.

Three officers were treated by paramedics at the scene of the protest on Molesworth St on February 22, and later in hospital, after a liquid was thrown at them.

Wellington District Commander Corrie Parnell said the trio were heavily washed down with water and baking soda solution, which likely got rid of any evidence or form of a chemical substance.

“Two separate labs analysed material from the glo-vests worn by staff, with the tests showing no positive results for any form of chemical substance that could have caused the burning sensation.

Parnell said the analysis has returned inconclusive test results.

He acknowledged there were a variety of liquid substances present, including pepper spray, at the time the substance was thrown at police.

“Police continue to investigate this incident and other possible criminal behaviour related to the protest,” Parnell said.

NZ Herald

See what they did there? They accused protestors of spraying the Police officers with pepper spray. These dullards will lie like flatfish, even when there is evidence it was the Police who did the spraying.

There is plenty of evidence, some even from Stuff’s own cameras, and yet the Police lie and lie and lie. If they are prepared to lie about this what else are they prepared to lie about?

Pepper spray has a very distinct smell; they know exactly what it was. But they just lie.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

The Police are desperately trying to cover up their own criminality and their own incompetence, and the media are letting them by just repeating the lies.

The media are just as culpable. You can’t trust them either; they are now an apparatus of the state. It is shameless propaganda and they continue to be the enemy of truth.


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