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Agenda 2030 banner 1. Photo supplied. The BFD.

Baby boomers, of which I am one, have a lot to be thankful for. Looking at later generations, including the one immediately after (for which we must take some responsibility), are very different from ours. The generations prior to ours – involved in two world wars – were subjected to more horrors and terror than can be imagined.

The baby boomers, many say (and I tend to agree), have had the best of any generation in living memory. We were born from around the end of the Second World War onwards. New Zealand in the ’50s was a great country to be growing up in: it was a settled time. Sure there was some rationing but small in comparison to Britain. It was the time of the quarter-acre section, with a vegetable garden at the back and the flower garden at the front. This appeared largely to be the weekend ‘entertainment’ for the dads of that world. Not for me, I might add!

Shopping was in the pre-supermarket era and not self-service. The grocer, with a pencil behind his ear, would fetch the items and, using a strip of paper for wrapping bread, note down the price and at the end tote up the pounds, shillings and pence as quick as lightning. I am reminded of To The Manor Born and Audrey’s first visit to a supermarket. She stood waiting and said, “If someone doesn’t help me soon I shall help myself.” And when mother went shopping, there was no need to lock the house while she was gone.

Entertainment was via the radio and we listened firstly to the dulcet sounds of Pat Boone, Debbie Reynolds, the Everly Brothers and Cliff Richard, then came Elvis, the Beatles and the like. Dad was often in the garden with his transistor radio listening to sport and the inimitable voice of Winston McCarthy commentating “Listen, it’s a goal!” Summer, better than it is now, was endless days at the beach trying to avoid the annual dose of sunburn while feasting on Ernest Adams cookies or Tip Top products like Topsys and Frujus.

While not having lived through the war, we were born close enough to its aftermath to understand the implications and the consequences that ensued. Life was not easy in some ways but marriage was commonplace and the family unit survived. We had stable governments and an equally stable economy. All our various agricultural products were shipped to the UK and the bill was promptly paid. Overall, our troubles were few and we all lived in relative harmony. One income was sufficient to support a family.

Between then and now things have gone horribly wrong. Nothing is as good as it was for us baby boomers and our children’s and grandchildren’s generations are having it tough by comparison. I am not talking purely about the economics of today. There are people in every generation who have experienced some form of hardship. Remember when we had interest rates above 20 per cent? Today, there are other factors at play and these are not only dangerous but being deliberately employed.

There seems to be an increased level of anxiety in the younger generations. Some of this, in my view, is self-inflicted. This is brought about due to an acceptance that everything that is done or said must be correct and followed through without question. The school of independent thought appears to have largely disappeared. Two good examples of this are the responses to Covid-19 and ‘climate change’. Those who were pretty much non-believers from the start and therefore questioning, particularly in regards the vaccination programme, were the baby boomers. Why?

Probably, more than anything, because we have been around long enough to know that one doesn’t just accept everything one is told, and for good reason. We, particularly those of us on the right, were very suspicious of ulterior motives being brought into play. Knowing Jacinda Ardern’s socialist and globalist agenda, we had every right to take a cynical approach. Her close relationship with the United Nations was another factor.

The younger generations wholeheartedly went along with it and highlighted the number of lives saved. Nobody seems to mention the lives lost through people being unable to access required medical treatment in a timely manner or indeed complications from the vaccine. There is little commentary on the damage done to the economy. Where is the talk that what the country endured cannot possibly be allowed to happen again?

Thanks to the ridiculous lockdowns and Labour’s reckless spending, the newly elected government now has to get us out of the mess. The excessive lockdowns cost Labour the election. The big question is this: had the current government been in power, would it have handled the pandemic any differently? They appeared quite happy with the decisions made at the time.

As with Covid, those promoting climate change are doing it through an element of fear. The baby boomer generation are largely not buying into it. We have lived through countless ‘death and destruction’ deadlines and have learnt to take it all with a grain of salt. We are still here, breathing, and the earth hasn’t changed that much over our timespan, and neither will it. Climate change has in fact been around for many millennia. It is a fact of life akin to getting out of bed in the morning.

In short, we know a con when we see it. That is not to say Covid and climate change are a con; neither are, but the taking of these situations and the manipulation of them by some for their own monetary gain is where the con comes in. There are those, most notably people and organisations from the left of politics, who are using these potential disasters for their own ends, and they have been aided and abetted by their compliant friends in both the mainstream media and on social media.

Unfortunately for these unscrupulous types, the baby boomer generation didn’t come down in the last shower. We are long enough in the tooth to be aware of the games people play. So while those of the younger generations, particularly our grandchildren, are taught that they could burn or drown tomorrow, we know that is far from the case. Covid and climate change are part of what the United Nations hopes will see a New World Order accepted by countries and which will put them on a path to their end game: a one-world government. They are simply a hotbed of left-wing politics.

This is what the brainwashing of younger people is all about. It’s the policies of the political left causing most of the instability in today’s world. Instead of being taught the three Rs, students are being bamboozled with fear and nonsense, instilling in them the likelihood of the planet’s imminent destruction. Not only that but they are also being bamboozled with gender issues as to who they really are and which is the correct pronoun to use.

The Methodist Church in the UK is now suggesting the words husband and wife should no longer be used. They suggest parent instead. All this baloney is simply causing anxiety in children and threatens to destabilise the family unit and, more broadly, society as a whole. This is the aim of all these people and groups investing in things like Covid and climate change, from the United Nations to the likes of Klaus Schwab and George Soros. They want control, to the benefit of themselves. They are investing for their own good and we are pawns in their game.

One last thing, relating to food: when we were growing up there were no ‘best before’ dates to get anxious over. I was in my local store last week and took a pot of redcurrant jelly to the counter that had a best-before date of late August, knowing it wouldn’t kill me. The young lady serving looked in horror and said she’d get me another one. I informed her it was the last one. I promised her I wouldn’t die and I’d see her next time. She wouldn’t charge me for it. I went back a couple of days later after sampling it; she took the fact that I was still alive in good humour.

It is not surprising so many young people are ‘screwed up’ and needing help with their mental health. There is cause for anxiety in so many areas deliberately foisted on them by unscrupulous and corrupt individuals, groups and governments. This is not helping their wellbeing and is a barrier to their ability to achieve and make a success of their lives, both for themselves and the society they live in. We need someone in charge of the free world who values the family unit and its place in society.

No names, no pack drill! Suffice to say that its likely that person will be a baby boomer, a traditionalist and, like most of us, will not be taken in by modern fraudulent claims promoted by those with dangerous political ideologies. I think there is hope. A lot of what I have written is why many countries, particularly in Europe, are turning right and hopefully starting a worldwide trend. The world cannot continue on its current course. Change must happen and the crooks and economic terrorists must be dealt to.
