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We all understand the extent to which we have been coerced to have the jab. I took notice of what was happening in the UK last winter, and decided that the jab was probably going to be OK, but the whole idea of vaccines was the promise that they would set us free. It worked for Britain. They got rid of all their restrictions last July, and so far have kept their freedoms, in spite of rising cases. They may have rising case numbers, but they do not have a serious increase in the number of COVID deaths. Sure, every death is a tragedy for the family involved but this is a pandemic after all. There will always be some casualties.

There is a very different story going on in the rest of Europe, however. In spite of very high vaccination rates, several European countries are driving their citizens back into lockdowns, saying that vaccination will not be enough on its own. Funny that… we were all told it would be. What fools we have all been.

Across Europe, basic norms of civilised society are giving way to panic. The unvaccinated are being excluded from an ever-wider range of basic rights. Austria has criminalised them. Italy has stopped them doing their jobs. The Dutch police have fired on anti-lockdown demonstrators, seriously injuring some of them. We are witnessing the ultimate folly of frightened politicians who cannot accept that they are impotent in the face of some natural phenomena.

If lockdowns, forced closures of businesses and other brutal countermeasures work, then why are these countries on their fifth wave of the pandemic and their third or fourth lockdown? How long must this go on before we recognise that these measures simply push infections into the period after they are lifted?

Or how long must this go on before we recognise that these measures have nothing to do with health and more to do with authoritarianism? Even if many of these politicians believe that they are doing what they do for the benefit of public health, does anyone really believe that anymore? Could it be more a case of how easy it has been to force controls over people in the name of public health, and now these politicians are drunk on power?

Covid Pass in Lithuania.

I ask because it is important. We are generally about 6 months behind Europe in the pandemic. If a fourth wave is hitting Europe, is there any reason to believe it will not happen to us next year when winter hits? And once cases begin to rise again, will it be the excuse that this authoritarian Labour Government needs to take away our freedoms once again?

We now know that lockdowns don’t work and that vaccines might reduce deaths but they don’t stop transmission of the disease. That much is obvious. So the best thing to do would be to remove all restrictions, let the virus go, knowing the number of deaths will be drastically reduced in a largely vaccinated country, and let the virus run its course. The Spanish ‘Flu had three waves; the worst was the second wave in 1919 but eventually it petered out. Is there any reason to think this pandemic is any different?

There is no such reason. But there is a reason to think that authoritarian governments are not going to give us our freedoms back so easily. After all, when the pandemic first hit, we all succumbed almost willingly, because we were all in shock. Governments saw how much control they were able to wield. Don’t think for one second that they want to give it all up now.

They say history never repeats, but it can rhyme. Echoes of Europe in the 1930s are ringing true.

The absence of moral scruple in pursuit of what is thought to be a public good, is the first symptom of totalitarianism. The reduction of human beings to mere instruments of state policy is the next.

The Telegraph UK

Governments have no right to take away our social interaction. Humans are social animals, needing to be part of families, friends and other circles. Serious mental health conditions result when the ability to interact with others is taken away. Governments have no mandate to do this… but they are doing it anyway.

As we enter into the much-publicised ‘Traffic Light” system, where there will be no more guarantees of freedom than there are now, the government is introducing more and more rules which limit our freedoms, especially for the unvaccinated. Today, Ardern has suggested that hairdressers call the police on unvaccinated customers, just as she told schools to do to unvaccinated teachers last week. Suddenly, someone who simply wants a haircut can be bundled away in a police van. Is this really any way to live?

Could you have ever imagined this happening in our lovely little country even two years ago?
Image credit The BFD.

Unvaccinated people are no danger to the vaccinated, except in the minds of fools and despots, but power is at stake. There are still plenty of fools who agree with this madness but, slowly, people are waking up. As we see anti-lockdown riots happening all over, remember what I said. We are 6 months behind Europe and don’t think it couldn’t happen here. I predict that the same thing will happen here. The government is enjoying its absolute power too much to want to let it go without a fight.

But remember what they say. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The only way to get our freedoms back is to take them back. Otherwise, we really will never get out of this.
