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If you want to see the face of modern culture, imagine a spoiled brat screaming in your face – forever. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The left-media really need to make up their minds. Either women are fearless girl-bosses who can do anything a man can do, better, or they’re helpless, Victorian, fainting flowers who wither and die the instant they’re exposed to the buffeting winds of politics. They can’t have it both ways.

Yet, that’s exactly the hypocritical scam they keep trying to put over on us.

It was on full, pathetic display, yesterday, following the announced resignation of Jacinda Ardern. Wah, wah, misogyny! Wah, wah, trolls! Wah, wah, bullies!

Within minutes of the resignation of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, misogynists took to their keyboards from their tractors and dark caves to rejoice that “Cindy” was going.

I use the word rejoice but in reality many of their sentences contained a four-letter word starting with c that I never would have expected to hear anyone utter about a leader in this country.

Oh, do shut up and change the record: we’ve heard this one far too often, before. As for the dreaded c-word, some of us with less firmly fixed blinkers recall that it was the Greens’ Marama Davidson who used the word with nauseating repetition at a public rally, in front of children.

As for supposedly never hearing it uttered about a leader in New Zealand, try these on for size:

Screencaps are forever, you know. The BFD.

Or these:

These are just the top few results of a long list turned up by a three-word search. They more than suffice to establish my point.

Similar searches will turn up the same and much worse on every single whingeing point the left-media are trying to make to claim that Ardern was somehow subjected to unprecedented abuse for a politician. It’s all there, every dreary, mindless flinging of excrement in 240 characters. The stupid nicknames, the nasty references to appearance, the sexually-charged abuse.

Don’t piss on our legs, left-media, and pretend it’s raining.

Has any prime minister in our history been subjected to such prolonged and vile abuse and serious threats to her life?

And when did we decide to normalise this behaviour, and even encourage it in some parts of our communities.

Yes they have — every single one of them, you can bet on it. As for “serious threats to life”, no less a person than the head of state of New Zealand, Australia and Britain was subject to a literal assassination attempt in Dunedin, in 1981. Which kind of puts a few mean tweets into perspective.

You normalised and encouraged it when the left-media joined in the endless pile-ons of conservative leaders. You encouraged it every time you falsely smeared ordinary New Zealanders as “fascists”, “white supremacists” and “Nazis”.

If you want to improve civic discourse in New Zealand, you disgusting hypocrites, get your own houses in order first.

Of course, we’ve heard the same self-righteous blathering from the left-media, here in Australia, for decades. The same snowflakes who reached for the smelling salts when a placard depicted Julia Gillard as a witch, were the same people openly calling Tony Abbott a “pedo in speedos”. Who cheered when the Prime Minister was gutlessly coward-punched from behind, by someone half his age.

These are the same journalists who smashed John Howard pinatas at their parties, who repeatedly sneered at “Little Johnny”.

All of that, though, was nothing compared to the unhinged psychosis with which the left reacted to the Donald Trump presidency. From parading with mock severed heads and openly threatening to rape the President’s pre-teen son, to dropping their undies and “screaming through their vaginas” en masse, which is totally normal behaviour, the left lost their collective minds. And of course there were multiple assassination attempts.

But, sure, some mean tweets…

But she stood proudly through it all, representing New Zealand, and never wallowed down in the pits with those that wanted to break her.


Oh, really? Gaurav Sharma may beg to differ.

And let’s not forget that poor, put-upon Jacinda Ardern joined in the media bullying of Trump, openly giggling about the President’s appearance like a bitchy little schoolgirl.

If you want to fix the discourse, then it might behove you to start at the top. Prime Ministers who sneer, giggle and belittle others have no cause to start blubbing if they cop some of the same.

But we all know what the left media’s real game is.

They’re not interested in improving civic discourse at all. Their own words and actions belie that self-serving, fake piety.

No, the real game is that they’re just determined to shut you up, and to obediently run protection for their $55m political sugar daddy.


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