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If apartheid wasn’t here before it’s definitely here now. First, let’s elucidate on the real meaning of the word apartheid. According to the Oxford Dictionary of Languages it means historically (in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race. Apartheid is an Afrikaans word, derived from the French term mettre à part, which translated means separating or setting apart. Apartheid is a policy founded on the idea of separating people based on racial or ethnic criteria.

In 1981 we were a divided country because of apartheid. The Springbok team that toured New Zealand that year represented South Africa’s apartheid system which involved inclusion or exclusion based on race. New Zealanders in 1981 stood against apartheid, yet today, 42 years later, the number of days, months or years you and I will have to wait for surgery is now race based – Maori and Pasifika getting first dibs.

Under the definitions above, can someone please explain how that is anything other than apartheid.

Of course it is apartheid. Are we then to assume that if it happens elsewhere it’s not acceptable but at home it is? Where are the demonstrations and the outrage over this racist behaviour from this Labour Government and the left in general? Have we become more complacent, more accepting, or is it just that apartheid for some reason is now OK at home?

Those implementing these policies are highly likely to include some of the same people who  protested 1981. Just another example of the hypocrisy of the left and their paid-off media. Through pandering to the Maori Caucus, this Government has been pushing racist policies  one after the other to the detriment of other responsibilities, such as building houses and reducing poverty.

This country might well be becoming as divided as it was in 1981. Priorities over health issues should never be decided on the basis of race. We are a multi-racial society and no single race should have priority over any other. Nothing can justify using race in any government policy. Yet under this government it is the rule rather than the exception.

This Labour Government, under the thumb of the Maori Caucus, obviously won’t stop this.  Our vote matters more than ever. Only a National/ACT coalition can put a halt to this nonsense.


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