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We Want Action and We Want It Now

Land fill. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Rod Kane

The 100 days have come and gone and we can now sit back and wonder what’s next on the menu. Quite a bit we hope.

For my money, I would like to see the coalition repeal every single piece of legislation that the last corrupt mongrel ‘government’ inflicted on us and start again. Then it would be brilliant if some legislative genius in there could find a way to lock it in place so that whoever comes in next, can’t go back to where we were last year.

We now have a long road to recovery in New Zealand and a good start would be to see the name for the country locked in as “New Zealand”. That’s just common sense, not neurosurgery.

Then we can start on official languages. The fact that English isn’t among them was never an issue, but it is now, since the maniacs out there have used it as ammunition against common sense.

Most of us have no issue with te reo being preserved, even at mild expense to the taxpayer, but it is never going to be any more than a hobby language, confined to those that want to use it. The rest of us don’t want to know about it and get incensed when it is rammed down our throats. We can no longer understand what a ‘hospital’ or any other government agency, ministry, organisation or department is being called. It is of no practical use to us overseas and it is of no use here. That, dear folks, is a fact. Get to it Mr Luxon.

Schools that teach in te reo only, do their students no favours. How many bone carvers and Maori ‘treaty lawyers’ do we need? If they have the brains to learn two languages they probably have the brains to learn something like medicine or anything else that might take them far down the road of life. Te reo won’t, and they will get bitter when the penny finally drops. It is an expense we just don’t need. Not even a nice to have. If the Maori elite want it, they can pay for it themselves.

The coalition has had six months at the helm, and I have to wonder why we have not seen a single move to banish all the Maori names that have infected our government agencies.

We are living a lie in this country. A lie about who we are and where we came from. We do know where we are going: nowhere.

The vast majority of us, if not all of us, have a background of immigration from somewhere overseas. Not that it matters because, quite frankly, it is irrelevant, unless you are applying for immigration status.

When I see David Seymour for instance, proudly quoting where he whakapapa’d from, I think to myself he whakapapa’d less from there than I did from a chocolate cake. What is this guy talking about? This is the sort of distorted truth we can well do without. It’s part of the lie.

Listening to the idiots in the Te Maori Pati and their claim that their DNA is superior to anyone else’s, I look at the mad hatters and wonder why the hell we let these clowns denigrate our parliament and bring it down to their level while everyone else says nothing. Do we no longer have any standards?

They say there are trillions of brain cells in each one of us, every one scrambling over the next to invent something or learn it. Not in that party, or the Greens, or most of the Labour party for that matter. There would be a handful of brain cells among them, they probably meet once a week at the brain cell centre, forming a small committee to ensure that the neighbour hasn’t died, and swipe its stuff if it has.

Let’s tell the coalition in no uncertain terms we want the truth, no more podiums of BS, we want open honesty as to what’s going on and what they intend to do about it.

This week we have two more toddlers rushed into hospital with horrendous domestic wounds and fractures. The family are closing ranks once again to protect the perpetrators. Name them, and jail the lot of them until someone ’fesses up as to who did it.

If we want to turn this country around we have to be honest with ourselves and we have to clean the place up. The first thing that has to go is Labour’s apartheid.

So Luxon, Seymour and Peters, we gave you a fair go, and we are glad we did. Now grow some and start giving us the whole story. The place is broken; tell it as it is. Then fix it up.


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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