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We Welcome Simon O’Connor to the Team

Simon O’Connor Image credit The BFD.

We’re stoked to announce that one of our favourite politicians – no longer in Parliament, sadly – and who has always scored highly on our Value Your Vote scorecard has joined the staff at Family First.

Simon O’Connor will be bringing his 12 years of political experience as well as his rock-solid conviction for social-conservative values to the team. I’m sure you have admired his strong stand in Parliament when he has often been one of a small group of politicians willing to speak up on controversial social issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia, hate speech laws, ‘conversion therapy’ bans, drugs, gender ideology and others.

As well as presenting his own regular video blog commentary during the week on current social issues (which you won’t want to miss!), continuing to be a regular panellist on StraightTalk and hosting interviews with key conservative leaders for Family Matters, Simon will be working with us as we continue to research, educate and motivate families and leaders around the country to speak up for the values that matter to us all.

Welcome to the team, Simon!
