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Vaccine passports – now available in a handy app! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If some prognosticator had predicted, two years ago, that the world would be facing apparently unending global travel restrictions and government-enforced vaccines, we’d surely have laughed in their faces.

More fool us.

Because that’s exactly where we are, today – and there’s no end in sight.

Not even in supposedly freedom-loving Australia.

Scott Morrison is pushing the states to lift domestic COVID-19 restrictions on fully vaccinated Australians as part of a road map to entrench more freedom of movement within Australia and eventually lead to the reopening of international borders.

As politicians, medical experts and business and community groups say the country must ­prepare to live with COVID, the Prime Minister and Health ­Minister Greg Hunt have outlined a new goal under which states would commit to exempting vaccinated Australians from snap lockdown measures and internal border ­closures.

Note the qualifier, there: exempting vaccinated Australians.

They’re not forcing us to get vaccinated, they’re just going to keep us under the unending threat of virtual house-arrest unless we do.

The really scary part is that so many sheep are bleating for the knacker’s axe.

While an overwhelming majority of voters back a Fortress Australia international border policy and want them to remain closed until the global pandemic is under control, business leaders and some Coalition backbenchers want to reopen the country as soon as possible.

No doubt they’ll be vilified as viciously as the governors of Florida and Texas, not to mention Kristi Noem in South Dakota. Yet those states are almost restriction-free (or, in South Dakota’s case, never restricted) and doing just dandy, COVID-wise.

Ever Get the Feeling You’ve Been Cheated?

John Lydon, the Sex Pistols

But, having got their taste of absolute power, the Little Hitlers in Labcoats aren’t about to give it up in a hurry.

Australia’s former deputy chief medical officer, Dr Nick Coatsworth has argued a mid-2022 date is ideal for international borders to reopen.

The Australian

At which point, they’ll almost certainly find yet another excuse.

At the same time, the unelected Masters of the Universe at the WEF are pushing their Great Reset agenda harder and harder.

A host of global leaders issued a call for a global pandemic treaty, purportedly in order to prevent future pandemics, distribute vaccinations, and implement a unilateral approach to global governance[…]

Just weeks ago, [Klaus Schwab] declared, “As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe”.

Life Site News

Schwab’s latest creepy agenda is allegedly a “Digital Citizenship” in order to even use the internet.

These creeps are never going to let us be free again, if they can help it.

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