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Wealthy Socialist Just Can’t Figure Out How He Keeps Ending Up in First Class

The existential terror of being a socialist who hates rich people, but you’re also a millionaire who travels First Class. The BFD.

How he keeps enjoying the privileges of the elite is a complete mystery that clearly has fossilised communist Bernie Sanders worried. After all, he’s a socialist who’s lived off the taxpayer all his life, yet somehow he has ended up being a multimillionaire who owns three houses.

Even worse for the dedicated climate activist, he somehow just keeps on finding himself kicking back in luxury jets. A lot.

A fellow passenger tweeted out a photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders flying first class on Wednesday, sparking an online debate over whether the 2020 presidential candidate was living out his socialist ideals.

“A nervous democratic socialist in first class,” tweeted Hank Thomas, the CEO of Washington, DC-based cybersecurity firm Strategic Cyber Ventures.

Like so many Marie Antoinettes, the fist-shakers and finger-waggers of the green-left sternly admonish us commoners against enjoying the odd cupcake, even as they gorge their way through the entire patisserie.

Sanders has forcefully railed against the injustices of economic inequality and painted the divide between wealthy Americans and everyone else as an “us versus them” scenario.

“Bernie keeps getting caught in first class. You’d think he would suck it up and fly coach or just get the private jet and avoid anyone seeing him,” said one commenter.

“Socialism for you Capitalism for me,” tweeted Brazilian pastor Ronald Gustavo.

Sanders used to rail against millionaires – until he became one, and was forced to upgrade his class rhetoric to billionaires.

In 2018, filings made by Sanders’ campaign showed he became a millionaire in 2016, thus joining the elite “1 percent” he so often lambasts[…]Sanders’ critics find it odd for a man with a burgeoning $2 million net worth and three-homes to be lecturing Americans on the excesses of wealth.

Ol’ Bernie just loves him some private jet luxury, though.

Bernie Sanders spent more on private jet travel in three months than his closest competitors in the Democratic presidential race […]after he endorsed former rival Hillary Clinton in 2016, he reportedly “repeatedly requested and received” a private jet to campaign on behalf of his former Democratic primary rival.

He’s not the only fist-shaking wealthy green socialist to have a bent for the planet-killing perks of privilege, though.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has been branded a hypocrite after she was filmed getting off a private plane – despite railing against gas-guzzling rivals.

The presidential hopeful and environmental advocate touched down in Des Moines on Monday ahead of the crucial Iowa caucus.

Footage obtained by Fox News showed the Massachusetts Democrat stepping off the luxury jet with several of her campaign team in tow.

At one point in the video, she appears to wander behind a staffer sparking accusations she was trying to hide from the camera.

Well, she should try and hide, given just how shockingly she is violating her own high-falutin’ principles. By flying on a private jet Warren is vomiting out eight times as much carbon dioxide as one of us shmucks flying cattle class on a Boeing 737.

But, hey, why should the socialist nomenklatura be expected to live like a damned pleb? They’ve got a planet to save.

Meanwhile, the Babylon Bee suggests a better way for Warren to avoid scrutiny.

“Elizabeth Warren Sneaks Off Private Jet Under Large Cardboard Box.” Image: The Babylon Bee. The BFD.

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