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Weapons of Mass Distraction – Still Shilling the Wedding

Jacinda’s Wedding. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Jacinda Ardern must feel that she needs the distraction, so she is throwing out more titbits about her wedding. This time the weapon of mass distraction is telling another radio station that she’s got an idea of what her wedding dress will look like.

Party Time. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.
Ever since Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern first announced her engagement to Clarke Gayford, Kiwis have been speculating who will design her wedding dress.

Will it be wedding dress designer to the stars Trish Peng or perhaps Ardern’s go-to dresser Juliette Hogan?

And while she remained tight-lipped on the wedding date itself, Ardern revealed a few more details about the big day to Fletch, Vaughan and Megan on ZM this morning.

Speaking to the radio hosts, who asked if she knew what she was going to wear on the big day, she told them, “I don’t have it yet, if that’s what you mean.”

And she revealed that while she hasn’t yet picked it out, she knows what she wants her dream dress to look like.

“I have an idea in my head … I probably need to do something about that,” she admitted.

NZ Herald

That’d be a first…her very own idea, one she hasn’t stolen from the Marxist playbook.

This really is pathetic though as she just does soft and fluffy interviews these days and throws out hints, but no actual details regarding her wedding.

She is nothing if not predictable.

Next she’ll let loose that she’s going to her wedding in a carriage pulled by a pair of unicorns.

Jacinda’s Wedding. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

The only people more pathetic than Jacinda Ardern are the media who fawn and dribble over all this carry on.

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