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We’d Never Have Won WWII with This Lot


The left love to brag about ‘being on the right side of history’, but history would have been dreadfully different had they been in charge, of the media especially, during WWII.

Of course, even then, the Nazis had their appeasers and apologists. Not just before the war, but even as it raged, and well into the final gotterdammerung of Nazism. It was in June 1944, just weeks before D-Day, that Orwell took aim at pacifist socialists who wrung their hands over “German civilians”. A year later, he recalled that, “English left-wing intellectuals did not, of course, actually want the Germans or Japanese to win the war, but many of them could not help getting a certain kick out of seeing their own country humiliated.”

Orwell also noted that anti-Semitism was, in fact, still widespread among intellectuals, but that the Nazi persecutions had made public utterance unthinkable – at least for a time.

But the ‘conspiracy of silence’ wasn’t going to last forever. The “pro-Palestinian” left have smashed the conspiracy of silence beyond doubt.

And the left-media and the chattering classes really do want the modern-day Reich to win.

Defeating the genocidal Axis required massive strategic bombing of cities, resulting in significant civilian casualties. Imagine if the media covered those casualties in the same naive and context-free manner in which they cover the necessary actions being taken by Israel to defeat the genocidal Hamas terror regime […]

Since WW2 was a massive industrial war and since the civilian economies of the major belligerents were turned into full war economies, civilians were an integral part of the war effort. A civilian who worked in a factory that produced artillery shells was also a part of the war-machine, and that made factories legitimate military targets.

The Swords of Iron war is no different.

Just as the German nation had been turned into a massive Nazi war machine, “Palestine” has been turned into a gigantic Hamas terror machine. Generations of Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank have been inculcated with violent propaganda encouraging and celebrating the murder of Jews (propaganda that UN agencies have been complicit in distributing). The entire civilian infrastructure of Gaza has been co-opted to the business of killing Jews: water pipes cut up to make rockets, hospitals and schools turned into military installations, and, the final monstrosity, thousands of ‘Palestinian civilians’ permitted to work in Israel willingly acting as Hamas’ intelligence-gathering network for the October 7 pogrom.

‘Palestinian civilians’ willingly became part of Hamas’ terror infrastructure. They are no more ‘innocent’ than Germans of the Third Reich.

But, in the cold calculus of war, that cost was deemed worth paying, given that the Nazis had embarked on a brutal war of conquest and genocide and had to be completely defeated.

Ditto, Hamas.

Watching media coverage of Israel’s response to Hamas’ horrific terror attacks raises serious doubts about whether – if the media coverage had been the same back in the 1940s – the allies could have won World War Two.

After all, the Allied strategic bombing campaign was technically quite ‘disproportionate,’ in that far more German civilians died in Allied bombing raids than the other way around.

German civilians suffered far more horrific consequences for Nazism than anything Gazans are copping today as a consequence of Hamas’ butchery.

Imagine if those images were shown over and over and over again.

Imagine if the media not only showed those images, but showed them without context – the context being that Germans voted for and then continued to support – or at least not overthrow – the genocidal Nazi regime as it rampaged across Europe.

And imagine if the media not only showed those images, not only showed them without context, but also constantly included the claims of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Support for the war could have collapsed.

All of that is exactly what the media is doing, today, in relation to Gaza.

During World War Two […] the media – and society at large – understood the broader context of events.

It was well-understood that the Axis nations were not victims, rather they were genocidal aggressors who sought to victimize others, and who committed horrific crimes in their pursuit of conquest.

Spencer Fernando

‘Palestinians’ are not victims, either. Whatever excuses their apologists may pander, the Germans could just as easily have done. The Treaty of Versailles, the loss of territory, the economic calamity of Weimar… and still none of it justified Nazism.

Nothing justifies Hamas, either.

Yet, just as the Germans did, the ‘Palestinians’ have chosen to take the side of evil.

So be it.
