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The illusion of crime. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Well it has finally happened… It took 46 years and, despite all the warnings:

For the law is now the lawless ’n the flaw is now the flawless ’n the crime is now accepted ’n the criminal respected ’n now evil gets elected ’n now sinful get selected

Welcome to New Zealand 2022, as predicted by Ian Hunter of Mott The Hoople in his song “Apathy ’83” from 1976.

When you put Marxist ideologues in charge, nobble the police force so they do a 180 degree turn in their focus, nobble the media, put ‘groomers’ into schools under the guise of ‘diversity’, put everybody on welfare and hand over the streets to gangsters with guns, then look around you and see what results.

I have spent the last 15 minutes or so reviewing news stories from the last six weeks on the Herald and TV3 news websites; according to my cursory investigation, there appears to have been three shootings, five ram raids, several stabbings, various drive-by shootings, one murder, several other incidents of violence and (one presumes) school truancy at nightmare proportions, all occurring in… Jacinda Ardern’s electorate.

For the benefit of the prime minister – because she almost certainly has long since forgotten – Jacinda, your electorate is called Mount Albert. In Auckland.

As the local MP has only visited Mount Albert once or twice since the last general election – staying well clear of her constituents for months on end – and would be hard pushed to locate her own electorate office, it is understandably difficult for her to quite imagine what a third world war zone Mount Albert has become.

Even more of a concern is her likely viewpoint of ‘lots of Labour voters and their ram-raiding children redistributing wealth from Tory-voting shopkeepers; what is the problem, exactly?’, which probably gives you a hint as to the chances of anything being done about it. The entire mentality of the socialist government members seems to be that because they don’t live amongst the rampant lawlessness and anarchy taking place, and it’s their own supporters who are doing it, these matters are of no concern to them.

No ram raids, drive-by shootings, gangs or murders in Thorndon, so it doesn’t matter.

Oh and it keeps people in fear, divided and focusing their concerns at the police – rather than those responsible – and consequently they won’t be blaming Ardern et al for rampant inflation, a rapidly falling standard of living and soon-to-be-collapsing house values.
