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The left really hate uppity women like this. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Sir Bob Jones

Congratulations to Immigration Minister Michael Wood for refusing to ban British anti-trans activist Posie Parker speaking in New Zealand. The utterly fraudulent argument proffered by diverse sexually confused groups for the ban was that Parker’s presence would cause riots. And the reason they would occur is these same groups say they plan to cause them.

Ironically, on the day Parker is due to arrive news came that the World Athletics organisation has banned trans athletes from competing, other that is, than in their actual gender category and not their imagined one.

The major issue here is not the ridiculous trans one, that is whether hulking male brutes declaring themselves to be women automatically makes them women. Rather it’s about freedom of speech.

If you don’t like what Parker says then don’t listen to it, not try to disrupt it.

The usual suspects condemned the visit. Current Wellington mayor Tory Whanau announced she would attend to protest. I say current as the capital has had a series of disastrous mayors since Kerry Prendergast and has booted them out at the first opportunity as doubtless it will do with Whanau.

A final thought. Critics of trans peoples’ fantasies are labelled trans-phobic, typical of their ignorance re language. Phobic means fear. The critics are not fearful in the least of these sexually confused folk, rather, specially in the case of male trans for example, women don’t want them in their toilets or with their physical advantages, competing with them in sport. Otherwise it’s entirely their business if they believe they’re born in the wrong body and are really a zebra, Napoleon or the opposite sex.

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