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Would you keep visiting the same mechanic if, on the last 40 visits, the advice given had been wrong and cost you a small fortune as he replaced bits that were perfectly functional? No, of course not, you would have changed mechanic after episode two or three.

Would you keep consulting the same doctor if she had recommended operations and other treatment regimes that were apparently completely unnecessary on your previous 40 consultations? No, of course not, you would have changed doctor after consultation two or three.

Would you keep using the same law firm if they had made mistakes with the last 40 legal transactions?  Conveyancing errors, family trusts fouled up, divorce a shambles? No, of course not, you would have changed lawyer after mistake one.

Would you still be using the same accountant after the last 40 years’ accounts had been full of errors with the IRD hassling you for wrong payments etc? No, of course not, you would have changed accountant after year two.

Would you continue to trust your investment adviser if the last 40 investments had been spectacular miscalculations? No, of course not, you would have changed adviser after failure two or three.

Would you keep subjecting yourself to the gentle ministrations of a dentist who had wrongly drilled, filled, capped, extracted and so forth 40 times? No, of course not, you would have changed your dentist after mistake one.

Would you keep believing the environmental and climate science doom-mongering experts and following their diktats when at least 40 predictions they had made over the past 50 years had failed to come true and not a single prediction had yet been proven correct?

Apparently, yes, most of the population and all governments would.

Curious, isn’t it?
