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Were Scientists Really Leading the Covid Response?

It was the politicians who were dictating the science, with most scientists tugging their forelocks in deference to their masters, sacrificing science, ethics and the health of the people. 

Photo by David Veksler / Unsplash


We are grateful to German blogger Eugyppius for sharing a huge email release – and its initial fallout – from a world-leading public health institution which gives us answers (which we already knew and have seen proven elsewhere) to the following questions:

Was it really scientists who advised the politicians? Did they just get it wrong in the heat of the moment, as they are now trying to say, or did the scientists kowtow to politicians? 

A whistleblower at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany confirms the inevitable.

It was the politicians making up The ScienceTM for dubious ends, and using the scientists to make it appear legitimate. The information out of the RKI reveals the unease of its employees having to ignore the scientific process and their conclusions, and having to “advise” the government publicly by announcing the Covid interventions that the politicians asked for.

The (RKI) in Berlin is Germany’s central agency for research and prevention of infectious diseases, equivalent to the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It has been held in global esteem for its medical discoveries and has been seen as an independent scientific voice. From 2020 its public facing role ostensibly included advising the German government’s pandemic response.

However, this role was cast harshly into the spotlight, when freelance journalist Aya Velazquez announced on 23 July 2024 that she had received over 4,000 completely unredacted pages of confidential communications from a former RKI scientist-turned-whistleblower. Velazquez teamed up with associates including freelance journalist Bastian Barucker and Professor of Public Finance Stefan Homburg, to examine the documents before publishing them and calling a press conference.

The public thinks that the more than one thousand RKI employees have done science, have advised politicians, and that politicians have then acted on this science. In reality however, it was exactly the opposite.
~ Stefan Homburg

Not surprisingly, the exposé implicates Federal Minister of Health Dr Karl Lauterbach and virologist Christian Drosten in multiple violations. These men each played a central role in the pandemic agenda. It also exposed that the scientists were being told by Lauterbach what to say, whether or not the narrative was backed by the findings of the RKI. Examples of the politicians’ tails wagging the scientists are described below.

The leaked documents reveal that Lauterbach instructed RKI on the public health measures he required them, his subordinates, to recommend, regardless of contradictory scientific evidence and data. For example, booster vaccinations for everyone, and double vaccination of the Covid recovered, also demanded by Pfizer, despite the absence of supporting evidence.

Covid Numbers

The records show that surveillance systems revealed no extra cases of influenza-like-illness (which included Covid infections) whilst PCR testing regimes and reporting systems gave the opposite impression. This allowed Lauterbach to claim repeatedly a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” during press conferences. RKI staff acknowledged this was untrue but felt unable to disagree publicly.

Similar lies were told about intensive care capacities, which were never overwhelmed, and clinic vacancy rates, which in December 2020 were at an unprecedented 50 per cent. Respiratory illnesses were observed to be at normal levels despite a pandemic having been declared.

In the press release, it is noted that in July 2020 Christian Drosten recommended against testing asymptomatic individuals, but that he withdrew his recommendations after noting that they contradicted government advice. Concurrent with the profits made by Drosten’s colleague and test manufacturer Olfert Landt, asymptomatic testing cost the German taxpayers €10 billion.

Human Vaccine Trials

RKI staff did not object publicly when the European Medicines Agency and Pfizer planned to skip Phase III human trials in order to accelerate the emergency authorisation process. Communications show that staff recognised the risks associated with this, including vaccine associated enhanced disease, and instead of advocating to protect the public against this danger, simply recommended post-marketing surveillance to detect adverse effects quickly.

School Closures

Germany had some of the longest school closures in the whole of Europe, months of compulsory mask wearing for hours each day including outdoors, regular testing of healthy children, cordoned-off playgrounds, distancing rules and promotion of experimental injections. The Ministry of the Interior implemented a strategy to frighten children deliberately into believing they might kill their parents if they did not comply with the rules.

On 26 February 2020 an RKI employee returned from China and is quoted as stating:

Children two per cent of cases in large study. Paediatric hospital confirmed all without complication. Also not prevalent in transmission chain. Schools and day care centres are not in the foreground. Children not important links in transmission chain. Role of children rather atypically subordinate, unlike influenza. More studies must follow.

Nevertheless, after RKI recommended against school closures on 11 March 2020, on 12 March 2020 Christian Drosten demanded that school closures be included as a public health measure in RKI protocols.

Other statements about children in the RKI Protocols include:

  • April 2020: “School closures are unlikely to have had a major impact on the controlling of the epidemic.”
  • August 2021: “Children have a low risk of severe disease progression compared to other respiratory diseases.”
  • November 2021: “Young children are rarely index cases, they are infected within the family.

Ultimately, instead of standing up and explaining the real science, RKI officials went along with the political narrative and schools were closed.


Masking was acknowledged by the RKI as unfavourable, dangerous, having no medical effect and significant adverse effects, especially for children. Despite no convincing evidence for the use of high filtration masks (FFP2), especially not for children, they were made compulsory on public transport for children aged from six years to 13 years of age. Later, it was acknowledged that these measures had no impact on case numbers which continued to rise.

Vaccinating Children

In May 2021 RKI staff acknowledged that paediatric professional associations were reluctant to vaccinate children, but politicians were preparing vaccination campaigns to target specific age groups. In August 2021 vaccination recommendations for children from 12 years to 17 years caused RKI staff to scramble for whatever “scientific” explanations they could come up with, ultimately deciding on the idea of long term effects of Covid, despite the fact that the chairman of the Standing Committee on Vaccinations had stated, per the evidence, that “there is no long Covid in children.”

RKI communications acknowledge that the measures posed a greater risk to children than the virus. By January 2023 monthly reports of adverse events following immunisation were discontinued with a quote that “this must be accompanied by a very good communication so that it does not fall back on the RKI.” The RKI officials and scientists must have started to feel the heat from the public and tried to hide their previous utterances.

Side Effects of Vaccines

By 19 March 2021, before children had been vaccinated, RKI acknowledged that Astra-Zeneca vaccine was already associated with 12 cases of sinus vein thrombosis. Two weeks later, RKI further acknowledged that men faced a 20-fold increased risk of sinus vein thrombosis following Astra-Zeneca vaccination. German legacy media subsequently featured four articles reporting on political figures, including Angela Merkel and Karl Lauterbach, taking Astra-Zeneca vaccines! The desperation of the politicians who would have known about the dangers of the Astra-Zeneca vaccines, to convince the public to take the needle, cannot be ignored.

Germany and Beyond

The litany of crimes against the German population seems infinite and is finally gaining public attention. On 6 September Velazquez posted the following on X.

The RKI protocols show for the first time unambiguously to the mainstream media that the supposedly scientific corona measures were not based on a scientific foundation, but rather on a political one. This should not be underestimated. People from the political center in particular, who have had questions inside themselves but have not had a way of articulating them, have now been given a highly official reference in which their own doubts are articulated from the highest level.

The 23 July press conference with English voiceover is available on YouTube at Whistleblower leaks secret Covid-19 documents of Germany’s public health institute (RKI). Watch it below.

While we focus here on Germany, more evidence is emerging from around the world, that it was the politicians who were dictating the science, with most scientists tugging their forelocks in deference to their masters, sacrificing science, ethics and the health of the people. 

In the US both Fauci and Walensky knew early in 2021 that the vaccines did not prevent transmission, yet they continued to push for mandates. In New Zealand the Group Manager of Medsafe, after declining provisional consent for Comirnaty, suddenly appeared in an awkward video with Ashley Bloomfield, espousing the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Much evidence shows the same RKI deceptions at play here in NZ.

The truth is coming out. As Kiwis we cannot let the pressure off. We must insist on being heard in Phase two of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, letting our politicians know that we know who was doing the ScienceTM and that they, along with their scientist mouth-pieces, are responsible for the suffering and lives of Kiwis. It may be best for them to come clean early. 

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
