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Christopher Luxon seems to be impressing many people. The problem is that not many of them are conservative voters. His appeal is mainly to the wet, woke and crazy left. Which is everything you really need to know about him.

His latest convert is James Shaw:

Greens Party co-leader James Shaw says the relationship with Christopher Luxon is “good” but “fundamental” issues with the National still apply.

It comes after the latest TVNZ Kantar poll saw a dramatic swing with National pulling ahead of Labour for the first time since the start of 2020.

National was on 39 percent support, up 7 percentage points, ahead of Labour which was on 37 percent, down 3 points.

The Green Party is holding steady at 9 percent, ACT is down 3 points to 8 percent while both the Maori Party and New Zealand First are on 2 percent.

Shaw told AM on Thursday he hopes Luxon continues his work on climate change but the relationship between the two parties was in a holding pattern.

“Every time these numbers shift around, we get asked if we would entertain the possibility of going into government with National,” he told AM.

The relationship with Christopher Luxon is good, he did a lot of work when he was in the private sector on climate change so we hope that work continues because they have been very wobbly on that recently.

“The main issue with National from our perspective is, other than changing the leader the rest of the party hasn’t changed.

Shaw told AM that even though National is under the new leadership of Luxon, the ideology of the party still remains the same “which ultimately distribute wealth from the lowest income in the country to those on the highest incomes in the country”.


Luxon and the top levels of his caucus are so wet that they are actually up to their knees in it. They will be ecstatic about this development and will seek to wade even deeper into their puddle.

But what this is signalling to core National supporters is that Luxon, like his mentor John Key, is prepared to sell his soul to the devil and that their support is taken for granted.

Sure, I get that Luxon has to appeal to the middle, but the Greens are from the looney left not the middle. This tells me that the very real prospect of Luxon forming a grand coalition with Labour is growing stronger.

There is barely a tissue paper thin difference in main policy areas between National and Labour. The main difference is National makes claim to the belief that they’d be more efficient fascists. There hasn’t been a single action from the regime in the past two years that National hasn’t agreed with, and claimed that they’d do it better.

The tyrant Ardern may have tried to sell her soul to the devil but he said: “Nah, don’t want it, I’m not THAT evil.” Luxon is just like John Key; he has no core beliefs and he would sell his soul and that of his party to the devil and claim he cut a better deal than Ardern could have managed.

Having the Greens all enamoured with you will end up the same as it has for Malcolm Turnbull. The green-left will fawn all over him in opposition and he’ll suck it up, thinking that he’s winning them over. In government, though, he’ll learn the harsh truth: in the end, he’s just another blue-tie that they hate with a passion because he’s a rich prick.

When he works that out then he’ll turn his gimlet eye to Labour and cut a deal with them, just so he can have a sniff of power. Perhaps thats why after the past few days there are disgruntled whispers floating around caucus about how it appears they may have been duped. The promotion of Bridges loyalist Paul Goldsmith has not gone down well. There appears to be some mischief brewing, and that is mischief that Luxon is ill-equipped to deal with.

Cuddling up to the Greens won’t be taken well by conservatives and the rump of caucus. National is still to find its soul. Maybe it’s already been sold to puppets of John Key.

Ultimately Luxon is a windsock: he simply blows with the prevailing wind.

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