The Waikato Settlement Centre is a building in central Hamilton to support immigrants and refugees from around the world. The recently revamped and extended building, partly funded by Hamilton City Council, was due to open last Thursday but that got cancelled when there was news of a planned Palestinian protest about one of the art panels on the façade.
The offending work, by an Israeli artist, has now been removed.
According to the protestors, “the blue lines represent Zionist expansion plans to take the land between the Nile (Egypt) and Euphrates rivers (Iraq)”, which would increase Israel’s size by roughly 20 times.
This seems a bit of a stretch; like thinking the Mona Lisa’s smile is because she’s just solved quantum mechanics. Apparently, the image cleverly disguises this dastardly plot with branches of different peoples entwining to come together as one, the harmony of nature and a variety of other commonly recognised symbols of peace and freedom – such as blue ribbons floating on the breeze.
It is only with the knowledge of the ethnicity of the artist that offence was taken, yet the artwork is unsigned so the protestors had to do research in order to get upset. As an expert in causing offence, I find this an extremely inefficient way for the artist to offend her victims.
It is time for us, the people, to get offended at those who are so desperate to take offence – and for us to push back. No, we will not surrender our rights and freedoms just to please the whingers.
Cut the crap: put the art back.