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Climate Cultists blighting the natural landscape again. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Every time I think we’ve reached peak climate stupidity, the climate cult goes right ahead and proves me wrong.

The latest lunacy from the fool’s parade who’ve been glueing themselves to roads and infuriating commuters with their fancy-dress parades is a monumental folly to be dumped in the remote, windswept Tasmanian wilderness.

Earth’s Black Box: a 10-metre-by-4-metre-by-3-metre steel monolith that’s about to be built on a remote outcrop on Tasmania’s west coast.

Chosen for its geopolitical and geological stability, ahead of other candidates like Malta, Norway and Qatar, the idea is that the Tasmanian site can cradle the black box for the benefit of a future civilisation, should catastrophic climate change cause the downfall of ours.

Tell me these people aren’t barking mad.

If that sounds unhinged, it’s worth remembering that we’re currently on track for as much as 2.7C of warming this century.

When you read garbage like this, it’s a clear signal that the journalist hasn’t even read the ARC6 climate report. This is not a scientific fact, even by the dismal standards of “climate science”: it’s pure, ideological hysteria.

Plenty of past civilisations and empires have collapsed in the face of less.

Such as?

As has been pointed out in response to Jared Diamond’s Collapse, such assertions are cherry-picked to the point of being nonsense. Of the literally hundreds of empires and civilisations dotting human history, climate cultists are only able to point to a bare handful whose passing “was likely hastened by climate change”. Almost all occurred at least thousands of years ago, and many were sited in already-marginal environments. Cooling climates are as often the culprit as warming. Indeed, civilisations tend to thrive in warming periods, such as the Roman and Mediaeval Warming Periods.

So what is this black box? Artistic installation? Academic experiment? Or something else?

How about “a monument to the stupidity of cultists”?

Decades from now, the Colossus of Dumbassity will no doubt be a curio — a laughing-stock where tourists will pose for silly selfies, and scoff at the inexhaustibility of human stupidity.

It might also be pointed out Western Australia is even more geologically stable than Tasmania — so, why not site it there? Scared some of the local miners will load it on a Caterpillar 797F and dump it in the Indian Ocean?

The location, between Strahan and Queenstown, is remote enough to offer some insulation from sabotage, but accessible enough for those who want to see it.

ABC Australia

Never underestimate the ingenuity of Tasmanians. I look forward to the shrieking articles of the near-future, expressing their outrage at the first vandalism to this Monument of Idiots.

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