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What a Gaza Ceasefire Would Really Mean

GAZA CITY, GAZA – JULY 20: Palestinian Hamas militants

There’s been no end of blatherskite from the Hamas-fanciers about “innocent Palestinians”. Which seems to me about as useful as talking about “innocent Germans” in 1944.

Which, of course, the socialist hand-wringers did. But, as George Orwell bluntly reminded them, you can’t accept war as a necessary evil and then pretend that innocent people aren’t going to get hurt. More importantly, in a total-war state like Nazi Germany, the line between “civilian” and “military target” was hopelessly blurred.

The same is even more true in Gaza. Hamas has turned the territory under its rule into a total-terror state. From military emplacements in hospitals and schools, to the honeycomb of underground tunnels, to civilians forcibly herded as human shields, Gaza and its inhabitants have been turned into a single, vast, machine of terror.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that every Gazan is a willing participant. No more than every German was a fanatical Nazi.

During a BBC broadcast, a Gazan woman was filmed crying as those injured by Israeli airstrikes are evacuated.

“It’s all because of the Hamas dogs,” she wailed.

In response, those around the woman rushed to hush her, placing their hands on her mouth so that she would no longer be able to speak against Hamas.

Probably, as some have pointed out, less from a desire to protect Hamas than to prevent her from becoming a target of the terror organisation’s retribution.

But when the vile Greens and the rest of the cretinous “pro-Palestine” mob wring their hands about Israel declining to supply their existential enemy, they should be under no illusions about what “humanitarian aid” really means in Gaza.

Supplying Hamas with terror material.

On Wednesday evening, the IDF released a recording that shows how the terror organization takes gas from hospitals at the expense of the humanitarian needs of Gaza residents.

This conversation between a commander of Hamas’s Western Jabaliya Battalion and a Gazan resident, with the participation of the director of the Indonesian Hospital, was intercepted by Israeli Military Intelligence and confirms that Hamas controls energy distribution in Gaza, prioritizing terrorist needs over the needs of their civilian population.

In this phone call, a Hamas commander repeatedly alludes to Hamas taking fuel from the hospital’s stocks, “working as a government for the sake of the country.”

Israel National News

Not, of course, that this will prick the withered consciousnesses of the pro-Hamas left in the West. These are people who long ago surrendered their human decency to ideological conformity. Witness how stubbornly they refuse to admit that Hamas really did behead babies. Or their rush to believe Hamas’ lies about its own rocket that fell on Gaza’s largest hospital.

A hospital which serves as little more than a Hamas’ command and control centre. Ironically, much of the hospital was built or renovated by the Israelis themselves, to try and improve the lives of Palestinians.

Instead, Hamas turned it into a military installation and torture chamber.

And when the useless idiots of the Greens witter about a “ceasefire”, what they’re really talking about is giving Hamas breathing space to regroup and dig itself in even deeper and prolong the war — the precious “Palestinian suffering” — for as long as possible.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison has rejected calls for a ceasefire in Gaza while touring one of the places in Israel hit hardest by the October 7 massacre, saying the international community should not be fooled by Hamas’ attempt to use a pause in hostilities to prepare for further attacks.

Morrison and former British prime minister Boris Johnson visited the Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel on Monday, where around 57 people were believed to have been killed and 17 taken hostage after Hamas terrorists streamed across the Gaza border […]

“I don’t support a ceasefire,” Morrison told Channel Nine while visiting the site, which is less than three kilometres from the Gaza border.

“A ceasefire would simply advantage Hamas to be able to strengthen their positions and make this war go on for even longer.

It takes Boris Johnson of all people to ram home the simple truth that the anti-Semitic left won’t admit.

“I would say to everybody marching across the world right now, supposedly in support of ‘free Palestine,’ in fact what they are doing, whether they intend it or not, is condoning the brutality and the murder that was conducted by those Hamas terrorists, and which, by the way, they would do again”.

Rejecting calls for a ceasefire, Johnson said, “When you have a crime on this scale, and when there’s the possibility of it happening again, I don’t think it’s the business of the world to tell Israel to stop”.

People should absolutely “be under no illusions about the savagery, the sadism, the lack of humanity of [the] Hamas terrorists”, he said.

Unfortunately, a great many of them are determined to do just that. Because, when the veneer of leftist “pacifism” and “anti-racism” is stripped away, they just really, really hate Jews.

David Rich, a research fellow at the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, said incidents of antisemitism had exploded worldwide following the Hamas attacks and Jews were being attacked as a proxy for the state of Israel.

“I think we shouldn’t underestimate the amount of denial that there is out there about what Hamas actually did on the seventh of October,” said Rich, who is visiting Australia for a trip organised by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.

Rich has a special message for the likes of the revolting Chloe Swarbrick.

Rich said he had “very little patience” for pro-Palestine protesters who chanted slogans such as “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

“We know what Hamas means by that phrase,” he said.

The Age

And, for all their denials, so do they.

Anti-Semites like Swarbrick know exactly what they’re saying.
