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What Are Killjoy Medicos Telling Us Not to Do, Now?

Admit it – you’ve all done it. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Maybe we never should have given up smoking. Sure, we’re better off for it, health-wise – but we’ve been paying a hefty price ever since in increasingly out-of-control public health troughers and controlling nanny staters. Just because they got one big thing right, once, has given them the conceit that they’re the infallible sages of the age. Medieval popes had less self-regard than some of these labcoated media tarts.

We’ve seen the peak of this deplorable trend in the Covid era, as unelected and unaccountable public health bureaucrats arrogated themselves the powers to do everything from placing entire populations under house arrest to deciding what landlords could do with their own property.

But it’s not just in the big things that these credentialled cretins want to bully us. Sometimes, it’s the smallest and silliest things. Like singing for your soccer team.

Or whizzing in the shower.

Multiple doctors have warned men and women to stop peeing in the shower, revealing the long-term impact the habit can have on your bladder.

By “multiple”, of course, they mean two. And from which prestigious medical journal did they issue their warnings? The Lancet? The British Medical Journal?


In a video on TikTok, urogynaecologist Dr Teresa Irwin shared her take on the controversial subject – explaining that while you will correctly empty your bladder by standing up, it can also train your brain to release urine every time you hear running water.

Which raises the question of why doctors have long used a running tap to induce a urine sample from reluctant patients. How dare they ruin our bladders like that, the reckless bastards!

“You don’t want to do it all the time because what happens is every time you hear the sound of water, your bladder is going to want to pee – because it’s used to hearing the sound of the water in the shower,” Irwin said.

“So whenever you’re washing your hands, washing the dishes, your bladder is going to be salivating, so to speak, because it wants to go and pee.”

Boston-based pelvic floor therapist, Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, had previously issued a similar warning, running through the “Pavlovian” side effects that can result from urinating while standing under a running stream of water in a 2021 TikTok.

NZ Herald

Well, I don’t know about that, but I’m fast developing a Pavlovian response of not giving a rat’s arse when some attention-seeker in a labcoat starts wagging their finger.

Especially when they’re apt to spout nonsense like “those of us that were assigned female at birth”.

Oh, jam it up your back hole.
