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The Climate Cult are getting crazier and more dangerous by the day. Not content with gluing themselves to roads, attacking priceless artworks or defacing war memorials, their latest tactic is targeting the homes of law-abiding citizens. The latest such attack was a home invasion inflicted on a West Australian mining executive in the pre-dawn hours.

On Tuesday, counter-terrorism police responded to a call in Perth. When they arrived at the home of Woodside Energy CEO Meg O’Neill at 6.45am, they found a group of climate protesters besieging the suburban family home.

They also found an ABC film crew already there.

The ABC has denied one of its camera crews was working with a group of ‘extremist’ climate protesters who have been charged with invading a mining executive’s home.

Disputing claims of a “peaceful protest”, three of the activists were arrested and the homes of two others raided.

Two men aged 34 and 31 and a 19-year-old woman have been charged with conspiracy to commit and indictable offence, which the group insists had been intended as a peaceful protest.

Ms O’Neill said the trio illegally trespassed onto her property accompanied by a camera crew to intimidate her.

“This was not a ‘harmless’ protest,” she said in a statement.

“It was designed to threaten me, my partner and our daughter in our home […]”

Police also raided the homes of two others allegedly associated with the protest, arresting them and seizing electronic devices.


The ABC, meanwhile, has a lot of questions to answer.

West Australian Premier Roger Cook has issued a “please explain” to ABC management over the presence of a film crew at a climate protest outside Woodside chief executive Meg O’Neill’s home on Tuesday morning.

Cook said he would reach out to ABC senior management about why its crew was present at the protest, what they knew about it and why they didn’t alert the police ahead of time.

“They clearly had prior notice and understood that these people were going to the CEO’s house, her personal home, to take this action, so I’ll be seeking answers from the ABC today,” he said.

WA Today

Other journalists are also raising eyebrows.

The Australian Media Writer Sophie Elsworth says it is “quite remarkable” an ABC Four Corners journalist and camera crew were positioned outside Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill’s house at 6:45am on Tuesday for a climate protest.

“They’ve got a journalist and a camera crew ready to roll to be at Ms O’Neill’s house,” Ms Elsworth told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“This reeks that there is something dodgy going on here.”


Maybe they were just on an early-morning Maccas run and “just happened” to drive past a home invasion underway. Quite the coincidence, really.
