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The BFD.

As I wrote recently, The Truth Is Always True: a principle doesn’t change just because of your personal biases. This is as true of human rights as any other moral principle. Universal human rights are called that because they are universal: they apply to everyone, under all circumstances. They are, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, inalienable rights of all members of the human family. The US Declaration of Independence likewise declares “self-evident” that these rights are inalienable.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is even more explicit: no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.

Our “human rights” quangos apparently never got that memo.

Liberal MP Julian Leeser has accused the human rights commission of turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism and committing an “aberration of duty” in failing to condemn the October 7 attacks, declaring that it had gone “AWOL” since Israel’s war on Hamas began.

One of parliament’s most senior Jewish MPs, Mr Leeser launched a scathing attack on the Australian Human Rights Commission for declining to publish any material specifically condemning anti-Semitism following the Hamas terror attack, questioning why it existed if it failed to take a stand against ­“racism and prejudice”.

Just as New Zealands’ “Human Rights” commissioner found plenty of time to ponce around in a Hamas rag and dole out money to gangs, yet vanished from sight when the human rights of millions of New Zealanders were being trampled on, Australia’s human rights troughers are silent in the face of violent racism — when it’s done by people they obviously approve of.

In fact, just as NSW police ignored the mob of thugs inciting anti-Jewish violence, but arrested a Jewish man for possessing an Israeli flag, the “human rights” commission won’t say a word about violent Muslim mobs. Except to wring their hands about their “rights”.

Mr Leeser criticised the body for being “frozen by political paralysis” in the face of an alarming rise in anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish Australians, decrying an AHRC statement following a pro-Palestine rally at the Sydney Opera House, which raised concerns the rights of protesters were being infringed.

No doubt in 1938, these vicious hypocrites would have been complaining that the “dirty Jews” went and got blood on the nice Brownshirts’ shiny jackboots.

The Albanese government is little better. Too terrified of alienating its vital Muslim voters of Western Sydney, Labor are sitting on their hands while anti-Semitic violence spirals to near-Kristallnacht levels.

In a speech he will deliver at the Cook Society on Wednesday warning against the threat of “21st century Nazism”, Mr Leeser is calling for the AHRC to be put on notice, arguing taxpayers should not be funding a government agency that turned a blind eye to “racism or prejudice”.

“I want to be clear, if an institution charged with protecting Australians from racism and hate is not fulfilling its mandate, then Australians should question why it exists in the first place and whether it is doing the job it should be doing as it is currently constituted,” he said.

Of course, it isn’t. Somehow, with hundreds of taxpayer-funded staff, and $43m of taxpayers’ money every year, the AHRC can’t bring itself to say a single word about a 737% increase in anti-Semitic attacks since the atrocities of October 7.

As for the government, its only response is to whine about the racist thugs flooding Australian streets.

Mr Leeser […] He raised concern that the Albanese government had donated $50m in funding to be split between Jewish and Islamic groups for security measures, with the Muslim community instead spending their funds on “fighting Islamophobia”.

So-called “Islamophobia” is a word “created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons”. The Albanese government is all three. Even the man most responsible for popularising the bullshit neologism later did an about face. Former UK Human Rights Commissioner Trevor Phillips admitted that he was wrong, and that the real threat was from Muslims, not to Muslims. For this heresy, Phillips was charged with… wait for it… “Islamophobia”.

It’s beyond obvious that in Australia, too, it’s Muslims who are the threat, not the victims. Whether it’s gangs of Muslim thugs celebrating the massacre of Jews and chanting “Gas the Jews” (no matter what lies the NSW police might peddle, the audio is undeniable), or Muslim charity CEOs abducting people off the street, and torturing them, for working for a Jewish business, the threat is obvious.

To everyone except troughers getting fat on taxpayer’s money.

Mr Leeser also blasted those on the left, including the Greens, for imposing a “false standard” on Jewish Australians to condemn the Israeli government’s war on Hamas – a standard he said had not been applied to any other group.

The Australian

Remember, it’s “not all Muslims”, but apparently all Jews are guilty until proven otherwise.

At least, in the hateful, violent, upside-down world of the anti-Semitic left.
