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Classy. The BFD.

Is there a more toxic party than the Greens? I mean, how else could you describe a party that is regularly plagued by the most heinous accusations from its own members. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, theft, assault, and drug abuse. And not just unsubstantiated accusations, either: police charges.

Then there’s the Greens leader, praising a program that claims to “safely” teach primary school girls how to send nude selfies. Or the Greens candidate who touted justification for necrophilia and bestiality.

Now, if the Greens themselves are to be believed, the Greens are institutionally racist.

Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has revealed she will lodge a claim in the Australian Human Rights Commission against the Greens over allegations she was subjected to racism in her former party.

Of course, a day without imaginary racism is a day wasted for Lidia Thorpe. Perhaps it’s because she’s triggered by her own pasty-white face in the mirror every morning that this “black woman” spends so much time shrieking about “racism”.

A poor, oppressed black woman, being poor and oppressed in the most exclusive club in Australia. The BFD. Photo: Twitter, not retouched.

But she couldn’t have picked a funnier target for her Daily Two Minutes of Racism.

It comes after Senator Thorpe accused Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young of racism during a fiery exchange in Senate estimates this week while the Greens Senator was questioning the ABC’s managing director David Anderson and ABC News Director Justin Stevens over the national broadcaster’s handling of Stan Grant‘s exit from Q+A over racist allegations.

Senator Thorpe on Sunday said she has received legal advice that she had enough grounds for a case against the Greens but would leave it for her lawyers to comment further.

“Legal advice.” What, did she ask one of her bikie mates, who Just Reckons?

But it’s not just the Greens who are dirty, big ol’ racists, according to Australia’s Whitest Aborigine.

She suggested national bodies like the ABC were founded on institutional racism and that the nation needed to work harder to ensure racism was stamped out in all workplaces.

On the other hand, Lidiot’s “legal action” may just be about as real as her claims to Aboriginality.

A Greens spokeswoman said the party was not aware of any legal proceedings against any of its MPs or the party.

The Australian

Still, there are others in the Greens who agree that the Greens are toxic racists.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi has revealed she has “experienced racism in the Greens” as leader Adam Bandt declined to rule out that the party had received complaints about alleged racism beyond one expected from Lidia Thorpe.

Faruqi said “in my 30 years in Australia I have worked in many organisations before I stepped into politics and I have experienced racism in each and every single one of them”.

“And yes I have experienced racism in the Greens … so I want to be clear that racism is systemic in this country.”

The Guardian

This makes you wonder why she freely chose to move here, then, and why she adamantly refuses to leave.

I guess five-figure taxpayer-funded salaries and the opportunity to own multiple properties just makes it easier to put up with “visceral”, “systemic” racism.

Poor Mehreen and Lidia: crying about racism all the way to the Bank of the Australian Taxpayer.


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