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For all the Establishment pearl-clutching about “right-wing extremism”, even the most cursory perusal of the record of terror attacks in Australia presents an inescapable fact: it ain’t the Nazis we have to worry about. In the past 20 years, nine of 10 terror attacks were Islamic extremists. Of 13 foiled attacks, 11 were Islamic.

But sure, a bunch of nobody edgelords posing for Roman salute selfies out in the bush are the real problem.

Just in case Australia is in danger of forgetting about the threat of Islamic violence, the Albanese government is importing some more. Because you can never have enough jihadis, apparently.

The impending release of convicted terrorists at the end of their sentences, and the return of family detainees from camps in Syria, produce two sources of potential peril for this country.

The recent lull in terrorist activity in this country does not indicate the problem has gone away.

The Establishment on both sides of the Tasman can certainly hold up Christchurch killer Brenton Tarrant as a counter-argument, but, leaving aside the dubious idea of Tarrant as a right-winger, the fact remains that Tarrant is the exception that proves the rule of Islamic terror.

An ongoing survey of Islamic terrorist violence was started following the 9/11 attacks. By July 2019, it had recorded over 35,000 attacks in nearly 70 countries.

Terrorist killings peaked at over 40,000 in 2014, with 93 countries involved, declining to 28,000 by 2019 in over 8,000 attacks. The outbreak of terrorism continues to be religion based, with Islamic fundamentalists spreading violence throughout the world and accounting for 95 per cent of attacks and deaths within three areas – the Middle East (with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen major hotspots), spreading to Africa and South Asia.

Four terrorist groups were responsible for three quarters for the attacks: Islamic State, Boko Haram, the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

All, in other words, Islamic terrorists.

Fundamental to this activity is the role of Jihad, which many devout followers of the text believe is demanded of all Muslims. This means waging war against non-Muslims to make all peoples and countries submit to Islam. It is not the only interpretation of the text, but it is certainly shared by many.

The claim of “greater” and “lesser” jihad is a spurious one, based solely on a single, disputed hadith. It’s fair to say, truthfully, that it’s a classic case of the religiously-sanctioned deception (such as taqiyya and kitman) that have been a feature of Islam since Muhammad dictated the Koran.

Far from a “religion of peace”, Islam is a religion notable for violence.

A world in which the terrorist view of Islam prevails means an end to all other religious freedom, free speech, free press, democracy, women’s rights, music, art – all as dictated by Sharia Law. In its stead we can expect enslavements, amputations, beheadings, stoning and crucifixions that are seen in terrorist-held states.

Even “moderate” Islamic states seem anything but.

A poll in 2006 in Indonesia showed that 58 per cent believed adulterers should be stoned to death; similar surveys in other Muslim countries have shown between 70 and 90 per cent believe apostasy demands the death penalty – perhaps not so moderate. The recent release from prison of the spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiyah, in Indonesia, has reminded Australia of the lives lost in the Bali bombing […]

The Muslim population in many European countries has increased in recent years, with a wave of over two million refugees flooding into the EU in 2015. The majority ended up in Germany where control has become problematic with an estimated 30,000 supporters of terrorist activity. France has the highest number of Muslims of any European country at over five million; it has suffered a string of attacks in recent years, directed or inspired by ISIS. Since that influx there have been 38 attacks in Europe, with 170 dead and 840 wounded. There has also been an increase in crime and, inevitably, a rise in anti-Semitic attacks.

Spectator Australia

But the Australian government is learning less from Europe’s experience with mass Islamic migration — legal and not — than it has from Europe’s devastating flirtations with “renewable energy”.

Still, I’m sure importing people who hate everything about our way of life will work out next time. Just like socialism.


A Gun Lobby You Say?

A Gun Lobby You Say?

Bryce Edwards, and other lefty lickspittles with an axe to grind against the Government, keep on saying that Nicole McKee is in the thrall of the gun lobby. The only problem for them is that there isn’t such a thing.

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