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Her brain went that way. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It often seems as if the Australian left is always six months behind their bonkers thought-leaders in America, but in at least one case, our loony left was way ahead of their time. Americans might have AOC, but long before that dynamo of dumbassity, Australia already had Sarah Hanson-Young.

“Sarah Sea Patrol” earned her reputation and nickname when during a Senate estimates hearing, she apparently mistook the ABC drama Sea Patrol for a reality tv show like Border Patrol. At other times, she has claimed that Australia Day commemorates Captain Cook’s landing at Botany Bay, and misread her party’s tax policy so badly on-air that her own chief-of-staff texted to correct her, mid-interview.

Now, she’s at it again.

The Greens have again called for a massive 2030 emissions reduction target and a ban on new coal and gas projects, with Senator Sarah Hanson-Young dismissing concerns over the cost of the transition.

To be fair, “Senator Hasbeen-Dumb”, as her other nickname goes, is no more stupid or ignorant here than the average climate cultist. The quickest way to confuse a climate cultist is to ask them exactly what their loony policies will cost.

When asked how much it would cost to rapidly transition the existing energy system to accommodate the target, Senator Hanson-Young dodged the question […]

“It’s more about what it’s going to cost if we don’t start dealing with climate change and reducing the carbon pollution,” Senator Hanson-Young told Sky News Australia on Monday.

But the best was yet to come.

She was pressed again by Sky News Australia’s Tom Connell on the cost of the transition and said: “What do you mean by cost”.

Being the proud socialist that she is, of course, Sarah simply assumed that, like everything else, it comes free from the government’s magic money tree.

The Australian Energy Market Operator has costed the transition of the energy grid at $320 billion by 2050.

And the rest. That’s just upgrading the grid to cope with intermittent “renewables”. Then there’s the cost of building all that new generation.

This would involve the development, operation, maintenance and storage needed and does not take into consideration the required investment into the renewable sector to meet Australia’s energy demands.

Of course, Dumbo dodges all of that.

But Senator Hanson-Young said it was the government’s responsibility to consider the cost of the transition in its budget.

Sky News

No, it isn’t. This is a classic case of Reversing the Burden of Proof. It’s Hanson-Young who’s making the demand for transition — it’s up to her do the sums and tell us what it will cost.

Or, just shut up.

But keeping their yap shut is the last thing the Climate Cult are capable of.

Imagine how much toxic emissions we’d save if the Greens just shut their damn fool mouths for once.


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