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What Does the Government Do When People Will No Longer Comply?

Restaurants Italy defy government lockdown

The response to the CCP virus by governments all over the world has been the same, lockdowns, despite the clear evidence that they simply do not work. But what happens when citizens will no longer comply?

Well, the Government simply gives up, as people have found out in Italy:

Thousands of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations. The mass civil disobedience campaign — launched under the hashtag #IoApro (#IOpen) — has seen as many as 50,000 restaurants opening despite evening curfew restrictions.


All it takes is for people to think for themselves and it is game over for economy-wrecking lockdowns.

And the Italian opposition has joined in; here is opposition MP Vittorio Sgarbi expressing his support for the movement and calling for an insurrection against government restrictions on businesses. He says: “Open up and don’t worry. In the end we will make them eat their fines”:

Sure the police tried to shut them down, but they were met with point blank refusal to comply by the customers:


As it becomes more and more obvious that the latest CCP virus outbreak in New Zealand is because of lackadaisical management of the MIQ facilities, and as more evidence gathers that the so-called “hero” wasn’t in fact as assiduous in scanning as first claimed, people are becoming angry.

But, sadly, there are still plenty of people quaking in fear of the CCP virus as the mainstream media and ministers ramp up the fear factor.

I don’t think the population is as amenable to new lockdowns as the “Covid Queen”, the “Princess of the pestilence”, Jacinda Ardern believes they are.

I’m just hoping that they do lockdown in Northland, and before Waitangi Day so we can enjoy a peaceful day off without having to see stroppy scribble faces protesting about how hard done by they’ve been by colonialism.
