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What Does This Tell Us about COVID Vax Safety?

1st dose and 2nd dose of Covid-19 vaccine on a vial bottle and injection. Syringe on a white table.

As your Sole Sources of Truth kept telling you, loudly and unequivocally, the Covid vaccines were absolutely safe. Any reports of alarming side effects were just harmful misinformation.

Just ignore all those people waiting for compensation for Covid vaccine injuries.

Thousands of people are still waiting to learn whether they will receive compensation for injuries they believe they incurred when receiving a coronavirus vaccine, as claimants and lawyers say delays are causing unnecessary distress to people with serious illnesses.

There are calls for the scheme to offer provisional payments to those facing long waits while their claims are assessed, with some waiting up to 10 months to learn if they have been successful.

Maybe the government is just stalling and hoping they’ll die.

Of course, lodging a claim isn’t the same as proving it. Notably, too, though, Australia is unique among comparable countries in not having a no-fault vaccine injury compensation scheme.

And the Covidians are still furiously denying any problem with the Covid vaccines.

Government Services Minister Bill Shorten […] said the small number of approvals among applications reflected the overwhelming safety of the vaccines.

And, of course, the mainstream media are still shuffling the peas and shells to try and obscure informed judgement.

Such reactions are rare. More than 65.6 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Australia of which only a tiny number – 9300 by November – have been “associated” with hospital admission (a categorisation which does not mean the vaccine caused the admission).

Where to begin unpacking this?

First, there’s the use of “associated”. That’s the same criteria as applies to “Covid deaths” and “hospitalisations”, yet the media showed no such scruples in reminding us that those were only “associated” with Covid, and did not mean that the virus caused the hospitalisation or death. Their inconsistency is telling.

Then there’s the slippery use of “doses”, rather than “number of people vaccinated”. The Covid vax is, as we know, a multi-dose course of injections. So, the number of people vaccinated is far lower: around 21 million people. Still, isn’t that a tiny rate of severe reactions?

Not as far as vaccines in general go, even allowing for doses. Tens of millions of doses of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been administered in recent years, with just 758 instances of severe injuries resulting. The most common severe reaction is anaphylaxis, which occurs at a rate of 1.7 cases per million doses.

The rate of severe injuries for the HepB vax is 1.1 per million doses. The rate of severe reactions to the polio vaccine is estimated to be 2-4 per million. Severe reactions to the DipTet vax have not been reported at all.

Using the numbers above, what is the rate of severe injury for the Covid vaccines? 148 per million doses.

Even on the tiny number of claims approved and paid so far — and therefore admitted to be caused by the Covid vaccines — the rate is twice that of the HepB vax.

Sandra Byron, 59, experienced severe symptoms that were later diagnosed as Guillain-Barré syndrome and capillary leak syndrome after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine and is now unable to work or leave her home in West Pymble, on Sydney’s north shore, because of chronic pain […]

Accountant Habib Khan, a 36-year-old from Sydney’s northern suburbs, was on life support and unable to work for months after suffering myocarditis, among other injuries, following his Pfizer vaccination in 2021.

Compared to others’ experiences with the scheme, he considers himself lucky: he lodged a claim in February 2022 and received a payout north of $400,000 in November.

“But I was having to do weekly calls and chase-ups,” he said, adding that pulling together his application took two to three hours each day for a month-and-a-half, while he was still too unwell to return to work.

“It was extremely difficult,” he said. “Even though I am used to contracts and paperwork in my job, it was overwhelming.”

Sydney Morning Herald

If these were any other vaccines, even a provisional rate of severe injury, as indicated by the number of claims lodged, would be headline news. The vaccine would almost certainly be swiftly withdrawn from public use.

Instead, the wagon-circle closes even tighter by the day.


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