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What Happens When You Mislead the Public

The Day of the Living Unvaxxed. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD

Gary Moller



Perhaps the favourite photo I took during the occupation.

As I type this, yet another rescue helicopter flies past our house to deliver a sick person to Wellington Hospital. (The helicopter’s flight path is past our home). We’ve been living here for forty years and never have the rescue helicopters been so busy as they have been since the mRNA jab roll-out began late last year. It wakes us in the early hours of the morning as sweeps past on its way to the hospital.

Our health system is close to collapse due to the increase in people seeking medical assistance, the rundown of medical infrastructure, the lack of investment in training more nurses and doctors, and the firing of those who refused to get the jab, or the follow-up boosters. For an example of misinformation, they are grossly understating just how many health sector personnel have been lost, not just by mandated jabs, but the many who decided to quit first, retire early, or not continue past 65. Only those mandated out of jobs are being counted.

The jab is killing more people than it saves if any. Saying that the jab is killing and maiming people is not misinformation: It is a fact. For those in positions of authority who continue to say that this is misinformation, they are committing a crime against their people.

Robust health does not come from sticking a needle into a person.

During the peaceful occupation of Parliament Grounds (now called a riot), it was claimed by the Government that we were creating a super spreader event and many would die.

Here are the so-called rioters:

They whipped up fear, hysteria and anger, thus justifying the use of weaponised state power to break up the peaceful occupation of a bit of lawn. Yes, I guess it was a super spreader event but that was in January and February and I’ve kept in touch with many of the participants and I do not know of a single death. Sure many did get COVID but most hardly felt a thing while some certainly did suffer unpleasant symptoms, but nobody died.

Actually, the way we can get out of this pandemic mess is for every healthy person to catch COVID as soon as possible while we protect the elderly and the immune-compromised, all the while investing in health. Instead, they promote the lies that a face nappy, social-distancing and an ineffective jab that kills and maims is going to save us.

“Would you like chips or a doughnut with your jab”?

I’ve had long enough now to have seen many cases of COVID and conclude the following:

  • The least sick with COVID are the fully unjabbed.
  • The sickest with COVID are the fully-jabbed.
  • Nobody I know of has died because of COVID (not to be confused “with COVID”).
  • I know of many people who have died unusually close to the shots, usually by stroke or heart attack.
  • I know of many people with long-lasting side effects of the jab, including heart and neurological damage.

Please take a few minutes to read this article:

The Government is maintaining not just a cone of silence about the carnage they are wreaking on people’s lives, they are ramping up the propaganda that their COVID response is saving lives, while censoring anyone who questions their narrative!

Censorship is alive and thriving: I’ve been suspended from LinkedIn and am on a 4th and final warning with Facebook, despite having written about 50 articles on the Freedom Village at Parliament, only a couple can be found these days using Google search. Try this: gary moller freedom village parliament, as an example. My articles are disappearing one by one.

My friend, Dr Guy Hatchard, wrote an article on this matter, referring to the Queen of Misinformation, our very own Prime Minister. Please take a few minutes to read it and pass it around. The best way we can counter official disinformation, or is it misinformation – hey, who cares – lies! – is to talk to others and share information that is more akin to reality.


More reading:
