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transgender sport

Colin Parkinson

I recently wrote an article in response to the Prime Minister’s botched attempt at answering this question. I had put the same question to a few other MPs to see what their responses would be. At the time that I had sent the article for publishing, the only reply that I had received from any political party was the following from David Seymour’s office:

Thank you for your query to David. His answer is very clear – a woman is an adult human female.

Since then, I have also received the following replies and thought it fair to publish them also:

From the Office of Christopher Luxon (Leader, National Party):

Christopher believes that a woman is an adult human female, however, he acknowledges that there is a small group for whom their sex at birth doesn’t match the gender they identify with. We believe it is right to respect how they identify themselves.

From Simeon Brown (National Party):

A woman is an adult female human.

From Helen Houghton (Co-Leader, New Conservative Party):

A woman is an adult human female. Someone who is born a female. Only someone who is born a female can become a woman. No biological male regardless of how many hormones or what surface features he uses to make himself a caricature of femininity will change the fact that he is not and will not ever be a woman.
Note the difference in the responses from Christopher Luxon and Helen Houghton.

Helen Houghton stated that “A woman is an adult human female”. She made no apologies for stating simple biological facts, she didn’t back down and she made her position very clear that a woman is a woman and a man can not become a woman.
The response from Christopher Luxon’s office was that “Christopher believes that a woman is an adult human female” but instead of leaving it there, for some reason added that “he acknowledges that there is a small group for whom their sex at birth doesn’t match the gender they identify with” and “We believe it is right to respect how they identify themselves.”

I won’t deny that there are some people who “identify” as a gender that doesn’t match reality, but if a man “identifies” as a woman, a 12-year-old girl or even a tractor, should we “respect” that or encourage them in their delusions?

If a 40-year-old man decides to “identify” as a 12-year-old girl would Christopher Luxon “respect” how that man “identifies himself”? Would he allow such a man to share a bathroom with young girls?

I have put these questions to Christopher Luxon’s office, but have not yet received a response.

What sorts of policies can we expect to see from the National Party with Christopher Luxon as leader?

While we should love others, even those who identify as a gender that doesn’t match reality, we should not encourage an ideology that is causing so much harm to our society. Men are men and women are women, just as humans are humans, we are not fish. You can not change your gender any more than you can change your species, but this ideology is being pushed on our society and is even making its way into the school curriculum.

We need to stand up for our children and protect them from being brainwashed by nonsense that could leave many of them sterile if they start heading down the pathway of “transitioning”. Speak up against this while you can.

I challenge readers: Contact your local MP and tell them that you do not support this unscientific ideology that encourages children to mutilate their bodies.

This is an ideology based on the lie that a person can change their gender.

There are so many other lies being pushed on our country these days, it is hard to keep up: from abortion and euthanasia being “healthcare”, to a “safe and effective” experimental injection that would not be made mandatory, all from the most “open and transparent” government New Zealand has ever had?

In my previous article, I mentioned that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn had pointed out that the cause of many terrible things that had occurred in his own country were due to men who had forgotten God. I thought I might add another quote from him here, and I wonder how true it is of New Zealand today.

“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the state”


I’ll leave you with this paraphrase from the book of Romans in the Bible:

Claiming to be wise they became fools. -Romans 1:22
God gave them up to uncleanness to dishonour their own bodies. -Romans 1:24

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie. -Romans 1:25
So, God gave them over to a debased mind. -Romans 1:28
