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What Is It About Lefty Nitwits and Housing Promises?

Who’s With Stupid?

Kiwibuild? Oh, you lot across the ditch are so amateur when it comes to obviously ludicrous housing policies. 100,000 new homes in ten years? Pfft. Albo upped the ante on Jacinda by promising to build one million new homes in five years. Take that!

And, of course, it’s a promise even less likely to be fulfilled than his promise of cutting household power bills by $275 (they’ve already risen $250 since the election).

Especially when the government and its greedy backers in big business are importing foreigners faster than a crackhead riding his kid’s tricycle to his dealer’s house.

Permanent and long-term overseas arrivals are outpacing the construction of new homes at a rate of almost four to one in what the Coalition claims is a housing crisis of the government’s making, with building approvals continuing to fall despite a record ­migration intake.

The sheer scale of the mass-migration addiction of the elite classes is mind-boggling.

Analysis of the government’s own migration data shows there were 900,200 net overseas ­arrivals between July 2022 and December 2023. Over the same period there were only 265,000 building completions.

At these rates, Australian could completely de-populate New Zealand and ship the lot of you over the Tasman in less than a decade. But 3.5 million of you would have to sleep in tents.

The warning comes ahead of population data out this week which is likely to confirm the fastest growth since World War II.

The Coalition has accused the government of being asleep at the wheel, with the housing crisis only set to accelerate based on the current trajectory of net overseas ­migration and the flatlining in construction of homes.

Is it any wonder, then, that we have an ever-worsening housing crisis?

It claims the median rise in rental costs of 26 per cent over that period was a direct result of the imbalance.

“Labor’s housing crisis is being fuelled by record high migration and record low home building,” opposition housing spokesman Michael Sukkar said.

“First-home buyers are at their lowest levels in over a decade, ­approvals are at 20-year lows and rents are up by 26 per cent since Labor came to office. “Meanwhile we have no meaningful housing policy from Labor, just a tiny and rehashed shared equity scheme.

“With fewer homes being built and Labor’s record levels of migration things are only getting tougher for Australians trying to find a home to buy or rent.”

At least Treasurer Zippy gets to keep us out of technical recession, thanks to the mass immigration Ponzi scam.

Overseas migration data for the 2022-23 financial year shows a net annual gain of 518,000 people.

This marked a 73 per cent increase to 737,000 from 427,000 arrivals on the previous year. The largest group of was temporary visa holders, at 554,000 people.

And still the government has the unmitigated gall to spout garbage like this:

“We are fixing Australia’s broken migration system. Our government is bringing migration back to sustainable ­levels after all comparable countries experienced a surge post-pandemic.”

What an absolute load of bollocks. Labor have had their hands on the migration lever for two years. They could have slashed immigration immediately, if they had the will. But, in thrall to the unprincipled greed of the big business and bureaucratic elite, they’re dementedly jamming an already over-stuffed country with more and more foreigners. Even their idea of “sustainable levels” is far in excess of what Australia can cope with.

The Housing Industry Association last month warned that the government would fail to meet its target of constructing 1.2 million homes within 10 years without other significant policy measures including reforms to planning ­approvals and housing taxes.

The Australian

Notice how they’ve shifted the goalposts from five to 10 years?

But even if the government panders to these greedy scum, the idea that they can build 1.2 million homes in a decade is self-evidently ludicrous.

Just ask Jacinda Ardern.
