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What Muslims Are Allowed to Get Away with in the West

No! Not that young! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Ever notice that, while visitors to Islamic countries are forced to abide by Muslim prescriptions, Muslims violently resist conforming to cultural expectations in other countries? Consider, for example, powerful, feminist female politicians dutifully donning hijab on state visits to Muslim countries – or even in their own countries, when it comes to anything even slightly involving Islam.

Yet, when asked to shuck the tents and veils in Western countries, Muslims staunchly resist, often violently.

Westerners are forbidden from consuming alcohol, or dressing ‘immodestly’ in Muslim countries (and, often, in Muslim enclaves in non-Muslim countries). Even where not strictly illegal, ignoring Muslim sensibilities invites public opprobrium (or worse, if you’re a woman).

Even in their own countries, Westerners who ‘offend’ Muslims often do so at their own risk. Especially from gutless local authorities, who are wont to investigate ‘non-crime hate incidents’.

Muslims in the West, though, are free to flout, not just local mores, but the law, with apparent impugnity.

Polygamy (“bigamy”) is forbidden in Germany – but in two cases second wives from Afghanistan were now allowed to move to their husbands in the Hochsauerland district.

According to the Westfalenpost, the immigration office of the Hochsauerland district has confirmed two of these cases of bigamy.

Some years back, former Australian PM Tony Abbott drew attention to the fact that Centrelink was knowingly doling out welfare payments to Muslim men with multiple wives. Despite the fact that polygamy is strictly illegal in Australia.

And in Germany, authorities and the media are all too ready to pander to Islamic illegality. Because it’s ‘understandable’.

What sounds like a scandal has an understandable background. The reason for the action is family reunification, which was approved by the federal government.

Accordingly, two Afghan local staff who worked for Germany in their home country were allowed to bring their second wives and their children to join them. The federal government made the decisions. The families are randomly assigned to the Hochsauerland district according to a calculation key. Specifically, it is a husband with two wives – but he only lives with one wife and three children, the second wife lives in a separate apartment with another seven children.

The other husband lives with two wives and nine children. According to WP, this creates new legal problems: One of the children was born in Germany and cannot get a German birth certificate because their parents’ marriage is not recognized in Germany.

That’s because it’s illegal.

In Germany, double marriage or polygamy is prohibited by law and is considered punishable unless…

Oh, you just know what the unless is going to be.

Unless it has been entered into according to other permitted rules abroad, such as in many Islamic countries.

But German authorities are even more accommodating to mediaeval Muslim cultural practices than that.

But there are also other justifications: In Pinneberg (Schleswig-Holstein) in 2018, two cases concerned the subsequent immigration of a Syrian second wife.

Jihad Watch

Next thing you know, they’ll start allowing Muslims to import child brides… oh, wait…

Authorities have registered hundreds of cases of children being married to adults before they arrive as refugees in Germany, Bild reported on Saturday.

In nearly all of the cases, underage girls had already been married in their homelands to grown men […]

Bavaria, for example, registered at the end of April 161 cases of kids under 16 years of age being married and 550 cases of kids under 18.

Baden-Württemberg registered 117 cases, and North Rhine-Westphalia at least 188 cases.

The Local

It’s not just Germany, either. You name a country with a gutless, virtue-signalling migration regime, and you’ll find paedophile Muslims bringing their child brides in while officials turn a blind eye to what would be relentlessly punished if it were anyone else.

According to the Toronto Sun, Canadian immigration officials say there’s little they can do to stop “child brides” from being sponsored into Canada by much older husbands who wed them in arranged marriages abroad.

American Law
An Iraqi-born Australian who ­attended Islamic schools in Sydney’s west says she tried to report multiple counts of child marriage among her school friends to the Australian Federal Police without success.

Bee al-Darraj, now 24, has a thick file of correspondence ­between her and the AFP, as well as with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, concerning girls she knew at school, who were taken out of Australia and married at age 12 or 13. Some of the girls were her relatives.

The Australian

Authorities can’t plead ignorance: even if they refuse to acknowledge the testimony of Australian Muslim girls, alarm bells ought to ring loud and clear at the Centrelink counter.

Instead, the “Religion of Peace” is quietly allowed to flout the law without mention, much less punishment.
