The right-on defenders of the imaginary state of Palestine like to indignantly protest that they’re not anti-Semites. Perhaps they even think that that’s true.
It is an impressive feat of cognitive dissonance, considering that they literally call for the obliteration of the Jewish homeland. Imagine calling for the complete destruction of Mexico, then huffing that you’re not anti-Mexican.

Perhaps NZ List MP Ricardo Menendez really is so clueless that he doesn’t understand that “from the river to the sea” encompasses the entirety of Israel. So, when “El Woko Loco” moronically parrots the slogan of a jihadist movement, he’s just too ignorant to understand what he’s saying.
But is he really so stupid that he doesn’t understand just who he’s supporting, when he prances around in a tablecloth?
The latest attacks on Israel are part of a decades-long plan to destroy the Jewish state and establish Islamist rule in its place. While the trigger and justification for violence against Israel changes with each conflict, the collective goal of transnational jihad remains the same. It is to wipe Israel off the map.
After years of going unchallenged, more and more the anti-Semitic reality of the odious “BDS” movement is being exposed. At this point, there is no excuse for ignorance – not even being a Greens’ MP, in itself a declaration of towering stupidity.
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement criticises the unequal citizenship status of Palestinians and Jews in Israel. Yet on its website, BDS members also describe Israel as a racist, colonising power. It is unclear why a group that denies the legitimacy of the Jewish state would seek to further enfranchise Palestinians within it.
Because they want to destroy it. The inevitable fate of Israel under “Palestinian” rule is clear: even if the cluelessly woke conveniently ignore Gaza’s ruling Hamas’s avowed intention to destroy Israel, the terrorist entity’s actions tell the plain story.
In the coming days, the West must resist being so easily persuaded by populist narratives that depict Palestinians as the victims of evil Israelis. Remember the broad support in the Palestinian territories for Islamist terrorist groups. Remember that Palestinian voters gave Hamas victory in the last election. Recall that Hamas is allied to the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, all of which seek the destruction of Jews. Do not forget that Hamas has executed innocents for being homosexual, politically moderate, or fraternising with the enemy – Israel. Remember that Hamas killed hundreds of Palestinians to secure its power, enforce sharia morality and permanently silence dissenters. It is a brutal terrorist organisation that kills Jews whenever it is given the chance and seeks the destruction of freedom-loving people. Its founding charter is a testament to genocidal anti-Semitic intent[…]
Since it came into being, the modern state of Israel has been subjected to unending threats of annihilation from Islamist states and their terrorist proxies, countless terrorist attacks, streams of vitriol from the UN, unbridled anti-Semitism on social media and a barrage of anti-Semitism often wrapped up in Palestinian rights rhetoric.
One of terrorist Hamas’s strongest backers is the anti-Semitic theocracy in Iran. Strange, then, that another NZ Greens’ MP who fled Iran as a political refugee, is a staunch defender of Hamas-run “Palestine”. I guess dedication to erasing the Jewish homeland makes for strange bedfellows indeed.
Somewhere between Palestinians flying the terrorist flag of Hamas on the Temple Mount and the 2000th rocket fired on Israel in a week, I lost sympathy for folk crying racism in Jerusalem. And there is nothing quite like the CCP pleading the case of Hamas to firm one’s resolve to defend Israel.
In recent weeks, the international community called for moderation on both sides, as though Israelis and Palestinians had never thought of it. At the root of such casual condescension is an inability to grasp the difference between pacifism and peacemaking. It is the latter that creates sustainable peace, and it requires eternal vigilance.
If you must defend Hamas and its comrades against Israel, first know what it is you are defending.
The Australian
I suspect more than a few woke “pro-Palestinian” leftists know exactly who it is they are defending.
They just don’t want to admit it.

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