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What Stuff Won’t Tell You About Gaza

The IDF has to protect Gazan refugees from their own government. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As anti-Semitic hate spills over in New Zealand, the mainstream media seem to be doing little to stop it. In contrast to the “fire and fury” hysterics over the “far-right”, the mainstream media are dismayingly tolerant of the mainstream left bile being spewed at Israel (and, by proxy, Jewish New Zealanders). Chloe Swarbrick’s open invocation to the genocide of Israel is downplayed as “Palestinian folklore and revolutionary songs”. The media regularly promote views attacking Israel and its defence forces, without providing any key context.

And it peddles textbook fake news.

Fake news, it must be remembered, is not just telling outright lies. Leaving out key context, or misleading use of information to frame an issue or an individual, is also fake news. Or, to use the phrases so beloved of our Guardians of Truth, mal-information.

Consider, for instance, Stuff’s coverage of refugees escorted out of Gaza City.

Thousands of people daily are fleeing on foot from the encircled Gaza City through a humanitarian corridor, a New Zealander working for the United Nations on the ground there says.

“It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen,” Hector Sharp said on Tuesday from southern Gaza, where he was based as the Israel and Hamas crisis unfolded.

Sharp has been travelling daily in an armoured convoy to observe the humanitarian corridor after the city was encircled by the Israeli Defence Force on Friday.


Which sounds tailored to pander to the left’s fact-free hysterics about “collective punishment”, and “war crimes”, by the IDF.

Except that Stuff left out some very important information.

In a video published Tuesday, the Israel Defense Force is seen escorting Gaza civilians, white flags in hand, toward safety in the south of the strip. An Israeli tank defends the civilians against Hamas, which had blocked their escape from the battlefield.

An Israeli tank defends the civilians against Hamas. Which rather demolishes the left’s lies that Israel “deliberately targets civilians” and is “committing genocide” in Gaza.

So, why did Stuff leave it out?

And this:

Unlike our war against ISIS a decade ago, in which some 70,000 Arabs were killed in Iraq and Syria, including an uncounted number of civilians, the world scrutinizes the IDF’s conduct under a magnifying glass — and many side with Hamas and believe its propaganda.

They might almost be talking about the New Zealand media.

A media which repeatedly fails to correct the revolting Greens’ incessantly parroted propaganda, slandering Israel.

Israel has long called on Gaza civilians to move to safe areas in the south of the strip. “We’re telling anyone living north of Wadi Gaza, move south,” the commander of the IDF’s southern command, Major General Yaron Finkelman, said in a press briefing Tuesday. “We’ve been saying it since day one.”

“Thousands pass through the evacuation corridor the @IDF opened for civilians in northern Gaza to move southwards,” the IDF’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories writes on X, where the video is posted to show the difference between the Israeli army and the terrorist group it fights.

New York Sun

Why isn’t New Zealand mainstream media reporting any of this?

It’s almost like they’re pushing an agenda.
