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What the Government Is Doing Is a Crime

gray knuckles
Photo by Bill Oxford. The BFD.

Darryl Betts

Darryl is a businessman and a post-graduate student in Philosophy at the University of Auckland, with particular interests in the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, and AI. He holds a BSc in Computer Science and a BA in Philosophy, Logic and Computation.

Governments throughout the world and that portion of the population who don’t question what they are doing are fast creating a situation from which recovery seems increasingly impossible and for which no prosecution of those responsible or compensation to its victims can be made.

In previous articles I have called the suppression of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 a crime too big for the perpetrators to ever be brought to justice. On a larger scale, the actions of governments and government supporters have now become a crime simply too big to be seen by most people, let alone prosecuted; the victims have become so many and their loss so great that compensation is no longer possible.

The billions who are standing their ground against this runaway train have lost much already – incalculably more than the loss of jobs. Loss of life, loss of health, loss of friendships, loss of family, loss of careers, loss of years of enjoying the life they had until 2 years ago, loss of years of hard work, and loss of property and generational wealth that should have gone to their children.

But also victims are the billions more who have been duped into an ignorant and hateful state of mind toward those of us who refuse to buy into the hysterical out of control response to Covid-19. As difficult as it is for me to not hate the ordinary individuals who have turned on me and taken important things from me, they themselves have been damaged beyond calculation.

There is the health damage they and their children have already suffered because governments have ignored effective treatments such as Ivermectin. There is the health damage they and their children have suffered or will suffer as a result of these new vaccines, and the health damage they and their children have suffered and will suffer as a result of lockdowns, masks, and other policies. When you damage a society so badly, everyone becomes a victim.

How do we measure these losses, who do we prosecute, and who will pay? Stripping all the wealth from the government leaders, politicians, people working for health authorities, and mainstream media people, would be a start. But how do we even sort out those who are guilty from those who tried in various ways to stop this? Some are obvious – world leaders and those at the top of medical and media organisations. But where do we draw the line between those who are blameworthy and those who are victims? What about those who carry some blame but are themselves victims of someone who is even more to blame?

And the sum total of the wealth of all of those guilty people will not be enough to compensate the victims, even if we could draw a line between victim and perpetrator. How do you compensate when the cost of that compensation would itself be severely damaging to all?

The scale of this crime is almost unimaginable and the suffering it has caused and will continue to cause is immeasurable. How are those of us who are aware this is going on, who are most directly experiencing this crime being committed against us, who can see that neither prosecution nor compensation is likely, supposed to cope with this?

I feel powerless. Do you feel it? There is nothing worse. It’s like the feeling of losing a relationship you don’t want to lose but multiplied and impossible to escape. I want someone to pay. I want someone to be punished. I want back what has been taken from me. I want to lash out at those who think this is OK, who want me to suffer more, who complacently stand by while it continues or gets worse. Never before have I felt such a lack of control over my own life and such anger toward so many.

We can try to convince ourselves that we can do this and somehow make the best of a bad situation, but that will only mask the loss. It is a very poor second to living the life we have worked to build, the life we have dreamed about, the life we are entitled to have and which no one except our own selves has the right to deny us. Distractions do not replace the loss we have already suffered. The damage is already done and cannot be undone.

I realise we are not the first. Countless millions throughout history have suffered grave injustice at the hands of their governments. We are not the first to have our lives and livelihoods stolen by a fascist state.

I have worked hard in my life and I have tried to do the right thing. I always believed that in the end the ledger would be more good than bad and it mostly has been so far. Now I am watching my life and my children’s future being stripped away by ignorance, fear and hate of others, with no hope that it can ever be made right. How does one survive that?
