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If you think this is OK, you’re a Groomer. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Imagine the headline: “School Pays Fat Male Pervert to Grind on Child’s Face”. There’d rightly be outrage. Well, I’d like to think there would, but in this Clown World, who can tell? Whatever — the media, though, can’t bring themselves to be even that honest. Instead we get deceptively sanitised headlines like this:

Drag queen performs lap dance on student and gyrates in front of cheering children at Pride event for high schoolers in North Carolina.

While that’s “truthy-ish”, it’s a deplorable example of “framing”. “Pride”, “Drag queen”: all euphemisms designed to give the Groomers and their supporters an “out”. Oh, it’s just harmless fun. Drag performances aren’t sexualised. What, are you against Pride, you homophobe?

Strip away the euphemisms, though, and it’s far less easy to dodge what’s going on

School Pays Fat Male Pervert to Grind on Child’s Face
A drag queen performed a lap dance for a student in front of cheering children at a Pride event for high schoolers.

The dancer, identified as Erica Chanel, was seen gyrating on top of the student at Forsyth Technical Community College, which is a public school located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina […

The event was the 2023 Pride Festival, which advertised that there would be four drag performances, free food, and activities.

So, the event was organised by the school — meaning that the drag queen was certainly paid by the school. The “drag queen” is a fat, male, pervert (coincidentally, his entire social media presence — website, Twitter, Instagram — has suddenly been scrubbed). His paid performance included sitting on the lap of a young girl and grinding his crotch in her face.

If you think this is OK, you’re a Groomer. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
As the video pans around the room of cheering spectators, children, no older than elementary school age [11 and younger], can be seen in attendance […]

The dancer then perches on the lap of what appears to be a student, who is sitting in the middle of the floor on a chair.

The drag queen then proceeds to whip her hair back and forth, while her chest area is directly in front of the sitter.

Wearing a pink sparkly romper that leaves little to the imagination, the drag queen then lifts her leg and black latex thigh-high boots on to the chair that the student is sitting on.

The dancer then crouches down in front of the seated spectator, rubs her arm and thigh, before flicking her hair once more and giving the girl a hug.

Does anyone think this is appropriate? Apparently the school does.

Although faculty members and campus police were at the event, there was no attempt to stop underage students from participating, according to Libs of TikTok.

Daily Mail

But, if you were to ask the thought-leaders of the left, it never happened.

Republican Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears told comedian Bill Maher he should “read more” during an appearance on his show on Friday while the panel discussed the drag debate […]

“If I don’t want my child given lap dances at school by a drag queen, I don’t want it done. That’s happening,” Sears said.

Maher said that while he knew there was “definitely drag queens reading to children,” he wasn’t sure about “lap dances.”

“There are drag queens that are doing pole dances,” she said, as Maher asked, “in school?”

“Bill, you gotta read more,” she said.

Fox News

This is why I call the left “low-information voters”. For all that they brag about being more educated, they’re too often the most ignorant people on the face of the planet. That’s because they live in a tightly-controlled bubble. Try debating a leftist about anything from climate change, to Covid, to rainbow grooming, and you’ll run up against a wall of ignorance.

Too often, it’s not even a matter of mere conflicting opinions. Rather, what they think they know is simply, flat-out, wrong.

Bill Maher denies that drag queens are giving lap dances to children in schools, because he just doesn’t know. He doesn’t know, because he never bothers to step outside his leftist echo-chamber. And neither does his audience.
