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What the Media Keep From You Pt. 2

Thomas Jefferson once wrote that, The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them. Even in his day, Jefferson knew the mainstream media were liars: Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. 150 years later, Dearborn mayor Orville Hubbard went further: I even doubt some of the pictures I see in the papers.

And that was 30 years before Photoshop.

As Jefferson said, someone who knows nothing is closer to the truth than someone who is fed a diet of lies.

But Jefferson never reckoned with the NZ mainstream media. Anyone who relies on the PIJF-bought-and-paid-for NZ mainstream media is both uninformed and fed a steady diet of lies.

If it wasn’t for independent media like The BFD, Kiwis would not only know almost nothing about the Biden impeachment proceedings, the little they did “know” would be almost entirely lies.

Hearings began last week. A quick scan of the NZ mainstream media shows that Stuff has written nothing at all about Biden for weeks, apart from some fluff pieces about him confusing the All Blacks with the Black and Tans. In the last week, though, Stuff has run at least four pieces on Donald Trump.

Newshub and the NZ Herald have both written nothing about the Biden impeachment for at least a fortnight. Yet, in the past week alone, both have run seven articles attacking Trump.

(The Australian media are no better: neither the Age or the ABC have written anything about Biden’s impeachment for over a week. In that same period, the Age has had six convulsions of Trump derangement, the ABC, nine.)

A mainstream media readers being more uninformed than the ignorant, Newshub, before it went into radio silence on the issue, peddled blatant lies to its readers. Newshub pushed the same lie as the American mainstream media, claiming there is “no evidence of wrongdoing”.

This is a blatant lie.

As independent journalist Tim Poole points out, what the mainstream media are doing is deliberately muddying the difference between proof and evidence. In a court trial, the prosecution will present evidence; even if that evidence doesn’t convince a jury — i.e. reach the standard of proof — it’s still evidence.

And there are reams of evidence in this case that Biden and his family peddled influence and profited from foreign dealings using the then-vice president’s name and clout.

Thousands of pages of financial records, emails, texts, testimony from credible IRS whistleblowers, and a transcribed interview with Biden family business associate Devon Archer all reveal that Joe Biden allowed his family to sell him as “the brand” around the world to enrich the Biden family. Joe Biden showed up on at least two dozen occasions to send signals of access, influence, and power to those who were paying the Bidens.


The evidence includes emails such as were retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which showed the younger Biden collecting millions from a Chinese state-owned company: money that was cut into percentages for the family and friends, including the infamous “10% for the Big Guy”.

Just who the “Big Guy” was has long been a matter of speculation. There’s pretty solid evidence that it was none other than Joe Biden himself.

Joe Biden’s youngest brother, Frank, also referred to the president as “the big guy” — and interrupted meetings with business associates to take his calls.

Frank Biden, 69, repeatedly halted meetings with an executive at an Illinois-based industrial manufacturing firm to take calls from “the big guy” while his brother was vice president, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Matthew Brady, who worked at the firm, Federal Signal Corp., from 2006 to 2017 as a vice president and later a president of safety and security, said Frank told him during several meetings: “I’ve got to put you on hold, the big guy is calling me.”

New York Post

There’s also a mountain of evidence that the Biden family was raking in millions from other foreign countries.

The House Oversight Committee has uncovered evidence that the Biden family, including first son Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden, and their business associates have raked in over $24 million from foreign companies and foreign nationals in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China between 2014 and 2019.

Even more evidence will be forthcoming as the hearings roll on.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has issued subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

“From day one of our investigation of Joe Biden’s abuse of public office, we’ve followed the money and that continues with today’s subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s bank records,” Comer (R-Ky.) said in a statement.

“Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain.”

New York Post

If nothing else, we know for a fact at least that Biden has lied repeatedly to the American people.

In an October 2019 presidential debate, Joe Biden incredulously claimed that Hunter never benefited from Chinese interests — “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.”

Yet, Comer has already released financial records showing that Hunter Biden received two wire transfers totalling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with the president’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address. The White House tried to defend Hunter using his father’s address “because he was stuck in the family home during Covid” — but the Covid pandemic didn’t begin in America, much less lockdowns, until 2020.

Then there was Biden’s blatant lie during the presidential debate that Hunter’s laptop was a fake, “Russian disinformation”.

Remember, it wasn’t the sex abuse or burglary that launched impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon, but their lies about them.

The evidence so far has already been enough to convince a majority of American voters.

61 percent of Americans say Joe Biden was involved in his family’s business deals with China and Ukraine (September, CNN)

51 percent of voters believe Joe Biden committed a crime with Hunter Biden (September, Yahoo/YouGov)

66 percent of voters say Joe Biden discussed business with his son (June, Harvard/HarrisX)

62 percent of voters contend Joe Biden “participated” in his family business deals (February, Harvard Cap/Harris)


No wonder the mainstream media are trying to keep it all a secret from you.
