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Vaccine passports – now available in a handy app! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Forget kangaroos, surfers and Crocodile Hunters. Australia is, apparently, the Land of the Vaxholes.

Led by the nose by a shameless media pack, Australians have swung from panicking that Covid vaccines were going to kill us all, to insisting they’re the absolute greatest thing, ever. Now it’s anyone who declines one who is going to kill us all. They must be stripped of all civil rights, locked up in their homes forever and denied medical treatment, even food, if that’s necessary to correct their wicked ways.

Australians, in short, have reverted to the mindset of mediaeval peasants. Convinced that the presence of a heretic is a certain invitation to God’s wrath, they’re grabbing their torches and pitchforks and hunting frantically for the witches in their midst.

According to a YouGov poll published in yesterday’s Australian, two-thirds of Australians agree that people who are not vaccinated should be denied privileges that they have to date shared in common with the rest of the community.

This is referred to as a “vaccine passport”, although it should more properly be called “vaccine apartheid”.

As they did during the original “blood clot” panic, Australians are merely letting themselves be herded hither and yon by the political masters and their media lapdogs. When premiers dangle the prospect of “some freedoms” in return for submitting, en masse, to what is, to all intents and purposes, forced vaccination, apparently 66% of Australians are prepared to sit up and beg.

Which only shows that both the politicians and their obedient vaxholes understand neither the Covid vaccinations nor the concept of human rights.

With regard to the former, I must wearily sigh and emphasise that, for f*k’s sake, I am not “anti-vaxx”. I had my flu shot this winter, as I always do. After a disagreement with a power tool some months ago, I had my dip-tet booster.

So, let’s drop the “anti-vaxx” canard, and face the harsh facts that the Covid vaccines are nothing like, say, a measles or pertussis vaccine.

Which means that the go-to argument of the vaxholes – “Selfish anti-vaxxers are gonna roon us all!” – is, not to put too fine a point on it, a load of shit.

The evidence for some time has been that the vaccines don’t stop you catching Covid or passing it on. They prevent the infection from being as severe as if you weren’t vaccinated. Added to that, if you’ve had Covid, then your resistance to infection is, according to the latest study I’ve seen, 7 times stronger than from a vaccine.

I’m a bit wary of the implied argument that we’d all be better off catching covid, as if a nation-wide round of Ookie-mouth is all we need.

But still the fact remains that the unvaccinated are not “selfishly” endangering the obedient vaxholes. Unlike vaccines for measles, the Covid vaccines don’t seem to contribute much to herd immunity: they only make the vaxxee slightly less likely to get sick or die.

What the above facts show is that the prime social benefit from vaccination doesn’t actually exist. Vaccination does not prevent others being infected by Covid, and the benefit it confers is almost entirely personal. And the personal benefit may not actually be that great […]

[…] as vaccination does not prevent me catching Covid, and if it ameliorates the effects, so that I am more likely to be asymptomatic if I have it, the vaccinated may even be more likely to pass on the disease than the unvaccinated.

They may also contribute to stronger variants evolving which do more damage in the long run.

Spectator Australia

So it really is a case of “my body, my choice” – and mind your own business, nosey-parker vaxholes.

On the “freedom” argument, the vax-apartheid crowd fail even harder.

When governments and their bureaucrat lackeys finger-wag about “giving” us “normal freedoms” in return for submitting to mass vaccination, they have the notion of human rights completely arse-about.

Since at least 1776, we’ve been pretty clear that our “unalienable rights” are not bestowed on us by the state, but are ours by right. We are born with human rights, not “given” them.

When politicians talk about “giving” us our freedoms, they are tacitly admitting that they have taken away a freedom that it was never their right to infringe in the first place.

When vaxholes yap at us to shut up, get shot and then, maybe, we’ll be given “some freedoms”, they are talking the language of slaves.

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