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What We Know They Lied About

Not every conspiracy theory is true – they’re not all false, either.

The Climate Cult's pants are flaming. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Too many people treat conspiracy as a simplistic binary choice: conspiracies are either lunatic delusions, or every obviously nutty conspiracy theory must be true. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

No one who’s lived through the last five years can honestly deny that at least some furiously denied ‘conspiracy theories’ were, if not undeniably right, then certainly more than plausible. The Chinese lab-leak ‘conspiracy theory’, for instance. Or the ‘racist’ ‘conspiracy theory’ that Covid vaccines are at best mostly useless, at worse, actively harmful.

A Japanese public official recently became the second politician in the world – as far as I am aware – to apologise for the global pandemic crimes of the political class. Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and a present MP gave a rousing speech apologising for the Japanese’s government’s handling of Covid-19 “vaccine” rollout and expressing his grief for those who succumbed to “vaccine-linked” deaths.

“I apologise to all of you. So many have died and they shouldn’t have,” he stated.

It’s not just politicians. Some of Japan’s media are showing the sort of humility that western MSM are utterly lacking. The Japanese public broadcaster NHK apologised recently for editing a news programme to make it look like some people had died of Covid-19 when in fact the comments used in the show were by people claiming that their family members had died after receiving the coronavirus vaccine.

Still the Western elite class furiously denounce ‘conspiracy theories’ as ‘a real threat not just to democracy, but to the wellbeing of our constituents’. Sure, some, like QAnon, ‘chemtrails’ and ‘5G transmitting Covid’, are obviously nutty and not to be taken seriously.

But, just as no one should believe any loony conspiracy, neither should all conspiracies be dismissed out of hand. Here’s just a few which are at the very least plausible, if not likely or demonstrably true.

Covid policy is a means of government control?

It is beyond doubt that Covid management was tyrannical, and intended to be so;

Lockdowns, absurd social distancing and mask mandates were enacted to create fear, not to promote anyone’s safety;

Governments willfully ignored virology and medical science generally.

Then there are ‘climate lockdowns’ and ‘15-minute cities’. Crazy! Far right!

Just ignore that the elite have openly advocated for both.

What started as car-averse new urbanism has morphed into net-zero malfeasance.

Believing this to be the case is unexceptional and provable. There is no advocate of net-zero who is not also a champion of 15-minute cities, and vice versa. It is all about reducing your carbon footprint.

Similarly, how crazy would you have to be, to believe that governments want to ban gas appliances. Yet, that’s exactly they’re doing for new houses in Victoria and in California. Who’s seriously going to argue that, if it’s successful, the bans won’t eventually expand to existing homes.

Well, sure, the “Great Reset” isn’t a conspiracy theory any more, because they keep telling us about it.

But, hey, the Great Replacement isn’t just crazy, it’s racist.

Just take no notice of the elites’ constant gloating that they are replacing white populations in Western countries. They’re not just doing it openly, they’re giddily bragging about it.

We are now way beyond replacement theory and are now experiencing replacement reality.

In most European cities, the native populations are outnumbered. Londonistan? The clue is in the name. California? Try Mexifornia, as Victor Davis Hanson once described his pitiful home State.

That governments in the West have massively increased immigration is not in dispute. Nor is the fact that the newcomers are largely non-white and non-Christian. Certainly in Europe.

Open borders are policy. The only thing in dispute is the motive for the shift.

Replacement policies are not theories. They are reality. They are not conspiracies […]

[I]t is the political class, not the conspiracy theorists, who are the emperors without clothes.

Well, mostly. Remember, just because conspiracy theory stopped clocks are right twice a day, doesn’t mean they are right, every minute of the day.

As always, keep your critical faculties well sharpened and your bullshit shields at full power.

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