Nothing has changed in the four years of Jacinda Ardern’s bulldozer style of leadership. Her government is totalitarian and ideologically rigid, and its intentions will permeate every aspect of Kiwis’ lives.
Never before in the history of New Zealand have Kiwis had to endure a government that barges ahead with such radical, divisive and above-the-law policies. Right from the start of governing on its own this Labour Government has thrown its weight around, actioning its Marxist agenda, applying draconian rules and administering policies that often ignore existing laws.
Ardern’s popularity is waning as people see through the hypocritical ‘kindness’, but Kiwis know from experience that it takes drastic measures to get this Labour Government to climb down from its fixed agenda. Ardern continues to disregard democracy unless forced not to.
There are many examples, but it is helpful to recall some in particular. New Zealanders are still angry about how hard it was to shorten MIQ stays, even to be with a dying relative. Unless they got publicity through hunger strikes or the costly and stressful process of taking their case to the High Court, only then did Ardern relent, knowing it was not a good look in the media.
People who had a serious reaction to the first or second Covid-19 vaccine could not get an exemption from the next shot because, even in a life-threatening situation, Dr Bloomfield took an intransigent position.

Dr Bryce Edwards recently asked, “Did Louisa Wall get a fair deal from Labour and Jacinda Ardern?“
Louisa Wall, a list MP, held nothing back in her valedictory about her personal grievance with the ‘unlawful’ behaviour of the Labour Party.
Wall said she was “forced out” of her electorate before the last election, “by the unconstitutional actions of the Party President, Claire Szabo, and some members of the Council [Labour’s governing body)”.
More recently, New Zealanders witnessed protests, marches and VFF popups of frustrated Kiwis up and down the country, including the twenty-three-day protest on the parliamentary grounds. Placards and desperate pleas from thousands asked Ardern to stop the ‘no jab, no job’ mandates, as those were both cruel and unlawful.

Despite the fact that these mandates pushed people into poverty, there was no backtracking until some took their case to court and Labour and Ardern’s popularity in the polls dropped significantly.
Ignoring democracy, Labour’s Maori caucus wants ‘Aotearoa’ to be an ethno-nationalist state and not a democratic-nationalist one. They want Maori co-governance. The details found in the He Puapua document were deliberately hidden from voters by Ardern and Labour at the last election.
Sky News Australia interviewed Dr Muriel Newman on the Bolt Report, where she explained this appalling piece of apartheid legislation.
There are strong concerns about this racial divide. The view of Dr John Robinson, a PhD research scientist and former university lecturer, is that “Maori self-government and living within a democracy do not go together.”
Pae Ora, a Maori Health Authority (part of He Puapua) is one of the concerns raised by the Auditor-General in his submission on the Bill:
In essence, public accountability is about public organisations demonstrating to Parliament and the public their competence, reliability, and honesty in their use of public money and other public resources… I am concerned that accountability arrangements for the reformed health system may be unclear, confusing, and fragmented…
Dr Muriel Newman says,
…Let’s be very clear what this is. The proposed Maori Health Authority will create a separate health system for Maori, paid by non-Maori taxpayers to entities controlled by iwi leaders and accountable to no-one. It’s being justified on the basis of health statistics that are bogus, and to satisfy a Treaty of Waitangi ‘partnership’ that does not exist in law.
Ardern blatantly ignores a crucial part of New Zealand’s democratic process: constitutional law changes – especially those affecting the electoral system – must be voted on through a binding referendum of the people.
Ardern is making changes without consultation, Parliamentary process or referendum. This means NZ is a totalitarian state.
Whether falling poll ratings will also force Jacinda Ardern to abandon her He Puapua agenda – to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040 under the guise of “co-governance” – remains to be seen. Since voters were not informed about He Puapua until after the 2020 election, all associated law changes – including Three Waters and the Pae Ora racial segregation health bill – are illegitimate and should be scrapped.
Dr Muriel Newman
Ardern’s leadership is weakened, but is it enough to compel her to change from a staunch and ‘proud’ former President of the International Union of Socialist Youth?
What will it take to stop her?