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What’s Happening Across the Ditch Today

The great Australian kelpie in action. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The left just never learn. You’d think that after Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” clanger became widely recognised as the moment she definitively lost the 2016 election, lefties might have twigged, even the tiniest bit, that screaming names at people isn’t the best way to win them to your cause.


Prominent Indigenous campaigner for the voice to parliament, Marcia Langton, has accused no voters of opposing the referendum because of “base racism” or “sheer stupidity” at a forum in Bunbury, Western Australia.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone, of course. For all her pretensions of being an “academic”, Langton doesn’t exactly come across as the sharpest tool in the shed. After all, she famously claimed that Aborigines have lived in Australia for “millions of years”. She also rattles off obvious porkies, such as claiming that Aborigines get a smaller share of government spending than other Australians: in fact, the government spends twice as much on Aborigines.

If that’s not enough, she began her career by joining a roster of outright communist groups like the Trotskyite Socialist Worker’s Party. Now, she’s a millionaire. Nuff said, really.

The comments from Professor Langton clashed with Noel Pearson who told ABC radio in Hobart on Tuesday that it was imperative to answer questions from opponents of the voice with “respect” in a bid to win over undecided and soft No voters.

The Australian

She just can’t help herself, though. It will also be instructive to see how fast Pearson drops the “respect” mantra and reverts to calling us “white cunts” again, should the referendum lose.

Which is looking more and more likely.

Even Labor’s elder statesmen are saying it out loud.

Former Labor MP Graham Richardson says the Voice to Parliament is gone and its chances of winning “diminish by the second”.

It follows polling showing support for the Voice to Parliament continues to remain low, with the ‘No’ side consistently being more popular.

“I think it’s gone,” he said.

“I can’t see how you wouldn’t enliven it to the point where it was back in the race.”


That hasn’t stopped Anthony Albanese from forgetting everything else that he’s failing at, in order to concentrate on failing even more to push the “Voice” turd up the capitol hill. Voters are getting sick of it.

The Australian’s National Editor Dennis Shanahan says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is talking about things which Australians are “not primarily concerned with” […]

“When people get asked and polled, and they’re asked about the Voice, they get annoyed.”

He said there is a “growing resentment” towards the Albanese government over the Voice to Parliament proposal.

“We have seen every time the government has a big launch … support for the Yes vote goes down – so the more people see of the referendum, the less they like it, and Labor is paying a price,” Mr Shanahan said.


Voters are growing angrier not only because Albanese has made his “number one priority” a boutique issue of elite race-baiting, which he never once mentioned during the election campaign, but because he’s completely failed at what he did campaign on. Which was the cost of living.

The cost of living is through the roof, the Voice referendum is failing: is there anything Mr 32% can’t stuff up?

While Airbus Albo progressively — in every sense of the word — sinks his own leadership, a core of conservative mavericks are kicking goals and shaking up the wet, woke Liberal party. After years of spineless leadership, some Liberals are pushing back hard on culture war issues like Australia Day.

Liberal Senator Alex Antic has slammed an inner-city Adelaide council for scrapping January 26 Australia Day community events without consulting ratepayers.

The City of Unley is among four South Australian councils that have shifted their citizenship and awards ceremonies from January 26 in recent months, voting in May to hold its ceremonies the evening before instead.

“Every day Australians, the quiet Australians have to get back into the political fight,” Mr Antic told Sky News host James Morrow.

“These things take root at local government level and before you know it you’ve got local councillors telling us whether or not we can have an Australia Day celebration on January 26.

“Get stuffed, we’re having it, so that’s the way it is.”


Another slow-motion trainwreck causing much mirth here at Lushington Towers is the inexorable implosion of RMIT FactLab. Just weeks after the so-called “fact-checker” was caught with its hand in Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket, it’s being hit with legal action for, naturally, telling great, big porkies.

RMIT FactLab is under much-needed scrutiny for its overreach as a fact-check gatekeeper in important community debate. Under pressure for its repeated interventions into the voice to parliament referendum debate, RMIT FactLab has been caught out quietly deleting earlier determinations and acting without the necessary approvals.

The group is now facing legal action after it was shown to be giving fact-check decisions for Facebook without a current International Fact-Checking Network certification.

Because “fact-checking” has little to do with actual facts, and a whole lot to do with filthy lucre.

By operating a fact-check unit, RMIT has set itself up for greater scrutiny. Fact-check results are being presented as more than an option. They are a commercial arrangement that carries greater responsibility.

The Australian

There is, after all, nothing quite so enjoyable as watching a leftist hoist on their own petard.

Sky News host Rita Panahi couldn’t contain her laughter over “dimwitted lefties” on The View discussing the influx of illegal migrants in New York City.

Tsk, tsk, Rita: “dimwitted lefties on The View” is a double tautology.

But what cracked up Panahi harder than a radio journo interviewing a climate-striking teenager? Was it New Yorkers who’ve prattled about “Dreamers” and voted for Sanctuary Cities for years, suddenly screeching that migrants will “destroy their city”?

No, it’s the deep-blue Democrat voters whining that “this is going to come to a neighbourhood near you” — which apparently means Texas.

“Well, this is their latest genius idea, no they’re not going to complete the wall, they’re not going to implement tough border protection policies, they’re going to try to keep the illegal migrants in Texas.”

The LA Times reported the Biden administration was considering a plan to force illegal immigrants to remain in Texas while awaiting asylum screenings.

“Genius, genius – why should Texans have to deal with this crisis, they aren’t the ones voting for sanctuary city mayors and governors,” Ms Panahi said.


Well, come on: she doesn’t expect the left to actually live with the consequences of their own far-left policies, does she? That’s for deplorables to deal with.


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