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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Dominic Lipinski/PA Images via Getty Images

OK. I give in. I have been reading articles about the excerpts from Harry’s Spare for the last few days and, for the most part, it has all been ridiculous. A bit of biffo between two brothers is hardly earth-shattering news… or should that be ‘dog-bowl’ shattering? (I found it surprising that dukes and duchesses have dog bowls in their kitchen – surely the servants take care of such grubby things?) I thought, from previous revelations in their Netflix series (no, I never watched it, but I can’t resist reading the articles in the Telegraph UK), that Nottingham Cottage was too small to swing a cat, let alone a dog. Still, the dog was being looked after in typical royal style, as only Waterford crystal bowls are likely to shatter when a falling prince hits them, etching shards of glass into his back. Harry is clearly several beads short of a necklace. Prince William has gone way up in my estimation after reading about their little altercation.

But the latest revelation (probably not the latest by now, as weird stories are coming out thick and fast), is that Harry killed 25 soldiers on his tours of Afghanistan.

What on earth was he thinking revealing that unfortunate piece of information?

Killing the enemy is part of a soldier’s job. The vast majority are not exactly proud of it. Most don’t keep count and, above all, they never talk about it. They do this out of respect for the lives that they have taken, and also to protect their comrades as best they can. Remember that in May 2013, Fusilier Lee Rigby was stalked and killed by two Muslims merely for being in the British army. No one knows how many, if any, Muslims he killed.

Harry the Spare has just put a massive target on his own back, and also on his wife and children. For someone who has taken up court cases because he felt he was not provided with adequate security, surely this is an act of the utmost stupidity.

He has also put the rest of the Royal family at risk, notably the King and the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children.

By getting together with Meghan, the Princess of Woke, it is clear that Harry thinks that feelings are all that matters and that spilling the beans on minor family disputes is perfectly OK. Harry sees himself as a victim and that is all that counts. It doesn’t matter if it does damage to his relatives – feelings trump everything. In his woke world, he is impelled to do this, no matter the damage it causes, because he has the right to air his feelings…and the right to spill his guts. The problem is that, now, guts may be spilled in other ways as a result.

It is quite clear that Harry is seriously unwell. For someone who left the Royal family looking for a private life away from the glare of the media, he has brought massive attention to himself for all the wrong reasons. For a trained soldier with the attention of the world on him, to make statements like this is unforgivable. For someone who claims he has serious security concerns for himself and his family, he is unhinged.

The Royal family’s motto may well be ‘Never Explain, Never Complain’, but this has now gone too far. They cannot allow this situation to continue. Harry has put a spotlight on all of them in all the wrong places. Never forget the fatwa put on Salman Rushdie in 1988 for blasphemy. Rushdie did not, as far as we know, kill Muslims.

Harry has put the lives of his wife, children, other relatives and British soldiers at risk. He has to be silenced. He has to be shut down, one way or another.

They say ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’. In Harry’s case, the money is rolling in thanks to his wokeness. But there are many forms of poverty, and only time will tell what the cost of these terrible revelations are going to be for him and his family.

In the meantime, the best part of the articles in the Telegraph UK is reading the comments. Harry is no longer anyone’s favourite prince. Let’s see if we can do just as well.
