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Where Are We Now in Kristallnacht-by-Stealth?

It’s all the way with the Jew-haters for major political parties and corporations.

Officeworks’ new window display. The Good Oil.

We’re now at Day 303 of Australia’s Kristallnacht-by-stealth. How are we going? Badly.

Very, very badly.

We’re now at a point where a major political party is proudly lending its resources to virulent anti-Semites, and a major corporation is lying and dodging to protect anti-Semites in its employ.

It should surprise no one that the Greens are the prime culprits in coddling anti-Semitism. After all, the Greens were right there at the kickoff of Kristallnacht-by-stealth, marching smugly alongside a Muslim mob bellowing “Gas the Jews!” In fact, the Greens were warming up for KBS long before October 7. For years, accusations of anti-Semitism were levelled at the Greens.

There’s no denying them, now.

The Greens has provided the use of office space to a group that publicly asserts Israel has ‘no right to exist’, prompting outrage from Jewish groups.
Tasmanian Palestine Advocacy Network has posted a statement on its Facebook page that calls on Israelis to leave Israel, which it says is “an abomination that has no right to exist”.

So, they’re literally advocating ethnic cleansing.

Anti-Semites are not exactly known for being a brains trust:

“Leave ‘israel’ [sic] – make the settler colonial project untenable and unsustainable. Denounce it, refuse to call it ‘israel’ [sic] or any iteration that denies Palestinian existance [sic].”

And who knew that anti-Semites have “crafting days”?

According to other Facebook posts, the group late last month held a “crafting day to paint new signs for our weekly rallies” at the Tasmanian Greens’ office in ­Argyle Street, North Hobart.

This post thanks the party and Greens senator Nick McKim “for loaning us this space” on a regular basis. “Your regular support of our crafting days is extremely ­appreciated,” the group posted on July 16.

Well, I guess those brown shirts aren’t gonna sew themselves.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry accused the Greens of aiding a group that was publicly advocating the “ethnic cleansing” of Jews from Israel.

Oh, they’ve only just noticed? There weren’t any clues over the years? Like, hmm, Greens activists leaving “30 pieces of silver” on a Jewish politician’s desk? Voting in Parliament against measures to combat anti-Semitism? Greens supporting the anti-Semitic BDS movement?

The only thing that’s changed since October 7 is that the Greens aren’t even bothering to hide it any more.

Some Australian corporations still are, however unconvincing it is.

New Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke says an Officeworks staff member who refused service to a Jewish customer in March has apologised, visited the Holocaust Museum, improved their understanding and changed their view.

There’s just one problem with this: it’s a lie.

However, the Australian has reported that the staff member’s visit to the Holocaust Museum was actually because of her involvement in another anti-Semitic incident which occurred on January 28 – just weeks before she refused service to the Jewish customer.

So much for improving her understanding and changing her view.

Mr Burke said he had spoken to the government’s special envoy for anti-Semitism, Jillian Segal, who had been dealing “quite directly” with this issue and that the Officeworks staff member had been given a “formal, final warning”.

It’s instructive to compare Officeworks’ indulgence of open anti-Semites, compared to its summary treatment of lesser offenders.

Add to that, that we know they’re lying and dodging about their so-called efforts to ‘stamp out anti-Semitism’.

It’s almost as if they’re just trying to cover their arses and don’t really mean any of it at all.

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