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People of some religious ideology are offended by something. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Despite Anthony Albanese’s unconvincing pledge not to allow anti-Semitism to “find so much as a foothold” in Australia, it’s horrifyingly obvious that it has not just a foothold, but a stranglehold. Jewish households and businesses are fleeing certain Melbourne suburbs. Mobs chant anti-Semitic, genocidal slogans, with politicians marching proudly alongside. People are abducted and tortured for “collaborating with Jews”.

The most depressing thing about all of it is that it shouldn’t have surprised anyone. The anti-Semitic monster has been growing fat in Australia for years. Nowhere less than in Western Sydney, the epicentre of Islam in Australia. Within hours of the October 7 massacre, the streets of Western Sydney erupted in celebration: fireworks, hooning cars, and Imams hooting that they were “elated”. A few days later, a mob of thousands of Muslims, with Greens politicians in tow, attacked a planned memorial at the Sydney Opera House, chanting “Gas the Jews!”

All of this, remember, before Israel had even begun to retaliate for the massacre.

Where does this unhinged hate come from? From the mosques and madrassahs.

A radical, terrorism-backing Sydney cleric who described Jewish people as “descendants of pigs and monkeys” and urged people to “spit on Israel” so that “Jews would drown” is a Saturday school principal teaching sharia to children as young as five.

The Australian can reveal that southwest Sydney cleric Abu Ousayd is the head of an informal Saturday school for children aged five to 12 at Bankstown’s Al Madina Dawah Centre.

They blow up so young.

For context, imagine if a church hired alleged neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell to run its Sunday school, or if Stalinists were running kindergartens… wait, scratch that last one, it’s already happening. But you get the picture.

Since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, the ­centre has provided a platform for incendiary sermons by a number of clerics, including Mr Ousayd.

Mr Ousayd has previously ­expressed support for Islamic State and al-Qa’ida, boasted of friendship with terrorists Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar, and preached extremist ideology at his now-defunct Al-Risalah ­Islamic Centre, which was frequented by numerous men who committed atrocities in Syria.

As recently as last month, the Al Madina Dawah Centre was ­encouraging enrolments for children to study the Koran, ­Arabic and sharia, at a cost of $200 per place.

Promotional material said the school would “grow hearts and minds, guided by the Koran and Sunnah”, and promised “learning, fun and play”.

One can only imagine the games: Pass the Backpack, Pin the Head on the Jew, and the Farmer Takes a Third Wife.

The school is certainly going to great lengths to conceal its terrorism-supporting links.

Mr Ousayd’s real – or, at least, previous – name is Wissam Haddad, understood to formally be “William” Haddad.

The Australian understands that the Saturday school is not registered and thus not covered by the NSW Education Standards Authority, and that there are no records of a teacher with the names Abu Ousayd, or Wissam or William Haddad.

And make no mistake about what this scumbag really thinks.

In 2016, Mr Ousayd told the The Australian he was still in contact with Sharrouf and Elomar, showing footage on his phone of the pair executing Iraqi prisoners.

“He says he is doing the work of Allah in establishing an Islamic caliphate,’’ he said of Sharrouf. “He is enjoying himself. It is something he has always wanted to do. Why wouldn’t he be happy? He is fulfilling his obligations to Islam” […]

Mr Ousayd said in 2014 that more Australians should be going to Syria to fight.

The Australian

I’m sure it’s just a vicious rumour that the UNRWA is already shipping a few crateloads of its leftover textbooks from Gaza for the Sydney centre to use.
