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The BFD. Jacinda Ardern with Yikun Zhang


So China has mounted a cyber attack on our closest ally and brothers in arms, the Australians. Where is the ANZAC spirit? Where are New Zealand cries of “we stand with our best friends and allies”? Is it because there is so much Chinese money invested in our politicians that they are scared into silence?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker
Australia’s government and institutions are being targeted by ongoing sophisticated state-based cyber hacks, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.
[…] The attacks have happened over many months and are increasing, he said.
[…] Mr Morrison did not name specific cases but said it had spanned “government, industry, political organisations, education, health, essential service providers and operators of other critical infrastructure”.
[…] Previously, defence manufacturers, government contractors and accounting firms have been among those to report data breaches.
[…] Mr Morrison said officials had identified it as a state hack “because of the scale and nature of the targeting and the trade craft used”.
“There are not a large number of state-based actors that can engage in this type of activity,” he said, without giving specifics.
[…] Cyber intelligence experts have long linked various hacks in Australia to China.
They say China is one of the few states, along with Russia, Iran, and North Korea, which have the capacity for such attacks – and are not allied with Australia. However, they also note that cyber espionage between countries and even allies is common.

Where oh where is the “Fourth Estate” on this? Has the $50 Million first tranche of bribe money silenced them in turn in the same way that China has silenced our “Political Elite”?

The BFD Simon Bridges with Yikun Zhang

Where are you National? And Labour what say you to this affront to our national security and threat to our nearest and dearest neighbour?

That paragon of the Foreign Service and Deputy PM, Winston Peters, I can’t hear you. From Mr Seymour who proudly told us he and the Act Party refused to dine with the said perpetrators and are Chinese money free there has been nothing but crickets. The Greens? Well, put them on the next flight to China as they are welcome to them.

C’mon Prime Minister Ardern, with your penchant for standing on the world stage you are truly letting a golden opportunity escape you — or have the emperor’s clothes slipped and revealed your true colours replete with a very wide “Yellow” stripe?

The BFD. Jacinda Ardern with Yikun Zhang

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