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How to trigger a lefty. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s the next logical step in the local front of the Woke War on the West: an Australian council has banned the Australian flag.

Should we really be surprised? The Australian left, for all that they sneer at all things “American”, are slavishly imitative of the American left. Whatever fashionable nonsense is the Current Thing for the American left, the Australian left fall over themselves to copy it. Hence, we had the ludicrous sight of thousands of Australian leftists screaming helplessly at the sky over the Bad Orange Man, or shaking their flabby arms over the inevitable death of a violent black American thug.

And, of course, when the American left started tearing down statues in yet another fit of infantile barbarism, they rushed to ape that nonsense as well. So, of course they’re coming for the flag.

Central Coast Council, just north of Sydney, banned the flying and displaying of the Australia flag on council assets because ‘it might offend some people’.

Because of course they did.

After all, their thought-leaders, the Greens, have a standing policy of never showing the Australian flag at press events. Hard-left PM Albanese has also ostentatiously moved the Australian flag out of shot for many appearance.

Sky News host Chris Smith slammed the ban as ‘nothing more than a woke hunch’ while discussing the policy on Sunday.

‘There must be something in the water on the Central Coast because the administrator has now come up with an appalling rule which effectively bans the flying of the Australian flag,’ Mr Smith said.

‘The council claims that this might offend some people… what those that hate this country or hate its Colonial history?

Nothing if not cockroaches who prefer to scurry from the light, the council is hurriedly making excuses.

All of which are blatant lies, of course.

Peninsula Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Wales said the policy, which will be reviewed by council on Tuesday night, follows three years of negotiations for the right to install the flags.

Mr Wales said he had received letters of support for the Australian flag but council had made multiple excuses blocking the flag’s reinstallation.

‘We just don’t understand the council’s adamant position on preventing this from happening,’ Mr Wales said.

‘Council continually blamed or used excuses for why this [reinstallation] can’t happen, from cost of the flags, to lack of manpower, to offending people and it being contrary to the federal government protocols for flying the flag.’

[…]The Australian flag hasn’t flown on Umina Beach’s main street on Australia Day since 2017, with the business chambers offer to pay for the flags knocked back once more this year.

Daily Mail

Which only leaves one likely answer: the council just hates the Australian flag and what it stands for.

Yet the council’s annual reports show that it receives tens of millions of dollars in Commonwealth funding.

Perhaps cutting off that river of gold might sharpen the Council’s mind? After all, they wouldn’t want to be the sort of hypocrites who take money from the Commonwealth, but refuse to fly its flag.


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