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black and silver fountain pen
Photo by Álvaro Serrano. The BFD.

Emmy Hirst

Dear BFD, I enjoy your articles. I just wanted to forward a letter that I wrote to Matt King today following the announcement of his political party.

Dear Matt

I suggest you are unfortunately a “Johnny-come-lately”.

Where were you in March 2020 – when all of us were “conspiracy theorists” and denigrated loud and long by the MSM?

Where were you during the first lockdown?

Where were you when Billy Te Kahika was holding meetings up and down the country to wake New Zealand up in May-September 2020?

Where were you during the various protests in August through to December 2020? Were you on the streets, with the people?

Where were you during the election campaign watching the country getting sold down the tubes with lies? Standing up for the truth? The National party aligned fully with Ardern during the election. I heard them.

Did you applaud Billy Te Kahika’s destruction at the hands of the media?

Where were you when all our elderly were forced into being jabbed and some were dying in February 2021 as well as the rest of the country over the past year?

Have you been out holding signs in all weathers?

Have you funded any alternative media?

Have you funded any high court challenges – and there’ve been several?

Were you delivering material to letter boxes in the rain to help people think past the narrative?

Were you out having conversations with people who were being alienated and abused for sharing the truth?

And so you step out of parliament in February 2022 – and step on everybody who has been working and raising awareness of suffering and pain – by starting up a new political party! Good for you!

What have you done to talk with any of the freedom groups and alliances across the country? I belong to a strong one in my area and you haven’t been near us. Whom have you met with? Liz Gunn? Billy T? Voices for Freedom? Aotearoa NZ? Sue Grey? The Outdoors party?

Do you know anything of what we, the freedom fighters, have been carrying and doing for 2 years? Who have you actually spoken to in Invercargill or Dunedin or the West Coast?

Who have you collaborated with to start this party? And what do you actually think you’re going to do now?

Matt, you needed to have met with all of us out here across this country and secured our support LONG before you ever made any announcement about a new political party.

It’s not a “do-gooder” one-man-band we need at this point.

It’s unity. But you don’t get it by stepping down from the top with your fancy ideas of resurrecting democracy in this country with a new political party and hoping like heck we’re all going to kiss your feet and throw our coats on the ground in front of you. The battle’s been too hard. And who are you that we should do that?

The network of freedom fighters across New Zealand is large and strong. We’ve done the hard yards for 2 years mate – not just 23 days at parliament – and you need to earn our respect.

Let me say, the fact you’ve said you want over 65s vaxed is not going to go down well for a start. I’m 65 this year.

Get on the road. Start making the contacts. Meet the people with humility and the desire to serve – don’t come with the flash, ‘big man’ persona heading up a new political party. Not interested. We’re done with that.

Your biggest barrier is that none of us trusts politics now anyway. The police and Jacinda Ardern destroyed that once and for all on March 2nd. Until then we had hoped we’d be heard. That’s why we were there. No more, my friend, no more.

I’d be interested to hear from you in response. But good luck with your plans – you’re going to need it.

Kind regards

Emmy Hirst
