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Where’s Jacinda When She’s Needed?

Kilauea Volcano Hawaii Acknowledgment:

Sir Bob Jones

Scientists report Ruapehu is on the verge of an eruption. Plainly a case for Jacinda to deal with just as we are repeatedly told she did with White Island.

I’ve offered a million dollars to anyone who could tell me precisely what she did with White Island but alas, no takers. Yet still this nonsense perseveres, as recently as a week or so back from Damien Grant in the Sunday Times. As he’s normally a hard-headed common-sense commentator, this showed just how much this absurdity has unthinkingly spread.

However, here’s a tip to anglers. If you want to catch a giant trout for mounting purposes, then if the mountain erupts, get yourself to Taupo.

I’ve spent an estimated seven years of my life fishing the Taupo rivers, over which time the mountain has erupted on a few occasions.

This inevitably flushed up some spectacularly large trout, the assumption being the eruption disturbs them from their deep lake water hangouts into the shallower parts and occasionally river mouth shallows and lower reaches.

So assuming the mountain erupts while Jacinda is show-ponying abroad and not available to put a stop to it, as she allegedly did with White Island, then if you crave a 12 pounder, get on up to the Taupo rivers.

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