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White Privilege Lessons Not Going Away Soon

boy in black hoodie sitting on chair
Photo by Taylor Wilcox. The BFD.

Hobson’s Pledge Trust

Despite denials from our Prime Minister, there is no sign of any retreat from in-class race-shaming rituals intended to eliminate racism, but which end up making some children feel guilty about their skin colour.

On Monday, ACT Party leader David Seymour called a Ministry of Education initiative that speaks of the importance of recognising white privilege “despicable”. See White privilege

National Party leader Judith Collins said, “they are teaching children – little kids – that they should feel either angry at the kids sitting next door to them because apparently that kid’s got white privilege, or else the child itself – the white child or Pakeha child – should be feeling guilty because of this white privilege.”

In the same news report, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said no education resources use the words “white privilege”.

However, it is clearly spelt out in the Ministry of Education’s Te Hurihanganui programme, which says it intends to build “critical consciousness”, which means “reflecting critically on the imbalance of power and resources in society and taking anti-oppressive action to do something about it for the better. It means recognising white privilege, understanding racism, inequity faced by Maori and disrupting that status quo to strengthen equity” See Te Hurihanganui

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