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White Saviours Know Better Than You

Shut up, girly – the left are speaking. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If there’s one thing the bourgeois chattering classes know, it’s that they know better than anyone else. On any given topic, no matter how removed from their experience, the middle-class left’s ruling conceit is that they’re more knowledgeable and wise than anyone else.

Hence, we get the spectacle of a white multi-millionaire who lives in a Harbourside mansion, scolding an Aboriginal Australian woman from the Northern Territory for daring to disagree with the woke-left party line on Aboriginal policy.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has accused newspaper columnist and author Peter FitzSimons of being aggressive and rude to her during an interview, alleging he accused her of “giving racists a voice” […]

Senator Price, a Warlpiri woman who has been vocal about her concerns over Labor’s proposed Indigenous voice to parliament, told The Australian FitzSimons was “condescending and rude” towards her – a claim FitzSimons denied.

The Australian

Price described FitzSimons as being “aggressive” and “launch[ing] in” on her. FitzSimons responded to the accusations by, well, coming across as rather aggressive and confrontational. He called her claims — first published in a now-deleted social media post — as “complete and utter … nonsense”, bombarding Price with late-night texts, and threatening to bring in the lawyers.

Now, that’s how you show that you’re not aggressive or confrontational.

Woke columnist Peter FitzSimons bombarded Jacinta Nampijinpa Price with a series of late-night text messages making legal threats against the Indigenous senator, ­insisting her account of an interview, in which she felt bullied and berated by him, was “nonsense” and should be retracted.

In text messages to The Australian, an agitated FitzSimons ­declared her account of the conversation “was not a matter of interpretation”. “Complete and utter DEFAMATORY nonsense, as I told her … will hand recording to (Sydney Morning Herald) lawyers and pursue. You have been so advised,” he said. He said it was a “friendly interview” and that he did not raise his voice at all […]

“You have told The Australian we shouted at each other? Every word recorded, as I advised you,” FitzSimons messaged to Senator Price.

Except that, in The Australian’s original story, “shouting” or “yelling” was not mentioned…

After the constant stream of texts, Senator Price told The Australian on Monday said she felt “intimidated” by FitzSimons.

“Please stop bullying me. I don’t ever want to communicate with you again,” she wrote to FitzSimons in her final message.

The Australian

Much of the rest of Australia feels the same way about hearing from FitzSimons, believe me.

But that’s not a privilege we’re likely to be granted, any time soon. Good wokeist that he is, FitzSimons is an ardent proponent of the “Voice” referendum. No doubt he’ll be bellowing himself hoarse, shouting “Racism!” at anyone and everyone who dares disagree with him.

Especially some uppity Abo sheila.

After all, what would an Aboriginal Australian woman from the Northern Territory know about the issues facing Aboriginal Australians? She needs to shut up and listen to her betters in the Harbourside mansions.

Shut up, girly – the left are speaking. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
